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Twitter is astonishingly biased

Recently Twitter banned Jordan Peterson because he dared to call the actress Ellen Page by her name, Ellen Page in a tweet. Apparently this was such a transgression against the orthodoxy that it deserved Jordan Peterson to be completely banned from the platform.

At the same time other "blue checkmarks" are getting away with actual crimes, which are extremely against the Twitter terms of service, with no consequences whatsoever.

For example, not only is "doxxing" people against the Twitter terms of service, but it's in fact considered by them such a big transgression that Twitter has an entire separate page dedicated to that subject: Twitter's private information and media policy.

Some time ago one Kathy Griffin (one of those deeply toxic far-leftists who pretty much lives in Twitter and posts dozens and dozens of tweets every single day, all of them so toxic that it will kill your brain cells) posted a completely clear and unambiguous direct doxx of somebody. She didn't just somehow hint at it, allude to it, or were merely responding to someone who had doxxed the guy. She was doxxing him directly. (Screenshot censored to remove the private information.)


Did she get banned from Twitter for doing this? Of course not.

Twitter will ban you if you use someone's "old" name and you are "right-wing". Twitter will not ban you if you outright doxx someone and you are left-wing.

Yeah, no bias whatsoever...
