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What happened to The Amazing Lucas: Update

I wrote in January of 2021 a blog post about what happened to the formerly quite popular conservative youtuber The Amazing Lucas, who apparently at some point in 2019 or 2020 radically shifted his political views. From what I saw, he became essentially an anti-conservative (more precisely, he started heavily opposing and criticizing what he seems to deem American "white" conservatism which, at least back in 2021, seemingly was doing conservatism "wrong"). He also had become significantly more sympathetic to radical leftist movements like BLM. (I also wrote an addendum here.)

This was quite a significant change because he used to be for many years one of the most popular anti-leftist conservative youtubers, with well over half a million subscribers (which in this category of YouTube videos is absolutely huge). He, in fact, became so obnoxiously anti-conservative, antagonizing, ridiculing and mocking conservatives, that he started hemorrhaging subscribers by the hundreds of thousands (something which is very unusual in YouTube. Usually when a popular youtuber falls from grace only his view counts will start dropping, rarely his subscriber count. People just stop watching the videos but they usually don't outright unsubscribe. You really, really have to piss off a large portion of your audience to cause them to actually unsubscribe en masse.) And to prove the point even further, back then he outright relished in this loss of subscribers (with an attitude of the sort of "if you don't agree with me I don't even want you as my subscriber; good riddance.")

Out of curiosity I checked his channel now, over two years later, just to see the state in which it is in.

It appears that things haven't improved much, and in fact have become worse.

For some reason he has grown a beard that's very reminiscent of the beard that many American black men grow when they turn to Islam. I don't know if he has turned to Islam (I haven't bothered researching that much), but by this point I wouldn't even be surprised. Anyway, that's not really the point of this, just an observation.

While he has retained a decent subscriber count (410k) even after the massive drop that happened over two years ago, the average view counts of his videos have clearly dropped significantly. He seems to be getting about 15k views per video on average, which for a channel that was formerly that huge (and still has that many subscribers) is really, really small.

More tellingly, he seems to have either deleted or privated all of his past videos that were critical of the left and supportive of conservatives or the police. He was active on YouTube for quite a long time (almost 10 years) and had literally hundreds if not thousands of videos, and he has removed pretty much all of them that are older than about two years, with the exception of some video game related videos.

(On that note, for some reason he seems to be obsessed with Spiderman. It appears that almost every single video game related video of his is about Spiderman. What a strange obsession to have. But I digress.)

Judging from his current political videos it appears that he is no longer "a black conservative who thinks that 'white conservatism' is not the right kind of conservatism". It appears he has just outright swung to the left wholesale.

Of course he's fully entitled to his political opinions and to change them how he wants. What is much less acceptable, however, is that he seems to have become deceitful. A liar.

You see, back in the day, when he was still a conservative, he was very honest and always wanted to represent fully the facts of any given situation, to get the perspective of both sides, to get the whole story, the full picture, and to make a rational judgment based on all the information without distortion, without biases, without trying to hide anything.

It seems to me those days are long gone.

For example, in this video, where he comments about those three Tennessee parliament representatives who are far-leftist activists and staged a disruptive protest and were (temporarily) removed from their position because of breaking the rules of conduct, he outright lies to his viewers.

He claims that he has watched as much footage as possible, and that the only thing that those three representatives did was to walk down a hallway with their fists raised in support of some gun regulation protesters. He claims that they were expelled from their positions only and solely because of that.

This is an outright lie. They were not expelled because of that. They were expelled because of what they did afterwards, which was to disrupt the official house session with their loud protests, which were completely out of order and against many rules of conduct of the Tennessee house of representatives.

I'm not exaggerating or making it up. He really lies by omission and pretty much outright claims that they were expelled because they walked down some hallway with their fists raised, and that's it. Which is not what happened.

So not only has The Amazing Lucas swung hard to the left, he has become an actual fraudster and liar.
