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The internalized racism of white leftists is just astonishing

At some point the leftist academia coined (or adapted) the terms "internalized misogyny", "internalized racism" and other similar variants to describe a situation where a victim of some sort of oppression has been so brainwashed into said oppression that he or she outright just accepts it as normal and even defends it.

Like with so many terms that the leftist academia loves, there may be some more or less valid basis to it, but it usually just ends up being used as a blanket weapon to dismiss their critics, especially those who belong to a "protected" group. In other words, if a woman criticizes the far left and their claims about women being oppressed, what she is saying is just dismissed as "internalized misogyny" (in other words, "you have just been fooled into believing that you are not oppressed, or that the oppression you are experiencing is actually normal and acceptable"). Likewise if a black person presents objections to the leftists' views on racism. (Although, like with so many other pet terminology of the left, this accusation was fashionable for some years, but it has pretty much fallen out of fashion and out of use, so you don't hear it much anymore.)

But in the last decade or so a situation has arisen where actual bona fide internalized racism, by the very original definition, has become prevalent. And it's a situation that I seriously believe is completely unprecedented in the entire history of humanity (at least at this scale).

In a video made by some organization (can't really be bothered to dig deep enough to find out which) about "dissecting whiteness through the lens of restorative practices", there's a white woman practicing verbal self-flagellation about how much of a monster she is because she is white.

I cannot find the original video, but you can see parts of it in a clip compilation here (starting at 5:03). Pay special attention to what she says at the start of the clip:

"I don't want to keep being white. My point in life is to be the least white as possible so I can be more human. So I can be a human being and experience in this lifetime where I am in relationships with other human beings."

That's so astonishing that it just deserves repeating, with emphasis:

"I DON'T WANT TO KEEP BEING WHITE. My point in life is to be the least white as possible so I CAN BE MORE HUMAN. SO I CAN BE A HUMAN BEING and experience in this lifetime where I am in relationships with other human beings."

I don't think this can be interpreted in any other way than she saying that white people are not human. That white people are not human beings. While she's trapped in a "white body" (as she puts it), she wants to "become less white" because she wants to be "more human". In other words, "white" = "not human".

One of the most common propaganda tactics of peoples who hate other peoples is to dehumanize them: It's ok to hate them because they are less than human, they are sub-human, they are inferior, they may not even be human at all. They are not human beings. They are lesser, they are inferior, they are much worse. And it is, of course, one of the staples of bona fide deeply ingrained racist belief systems: That one or more races different from one's own is objectively inferior, that there's something inherently, innately and physically inferior about those people, every single one of them, merely and solely because of their race.

This is an actual genuine textbook example of internalized racism of the deepest kind. Not just of the sort of "the victim who has been convinced to accept her status as normal and acceptable", but of the even deeper sort of "the victim who considers everything claimed about her race being inferior to be true and factual." A victim who dehumanizes herself because she's so indoctrinated into believing the racist rhetoric.

Have you ever heard of this kind of thing happening to anybody else, at any point in the entire history of humanity? Of the targets of extreme racism accepting and believing the claims made about them as fact, and repeating them to others as fact? There certainly have been some very rare individual people who might have been like that, but nowhere near at these amounts, at this extent.

I genuinely believe this being completely unprecedented in human history. Nothing like this has ever happened in the entire history of humanity, at least nowhere even near this scale. A few individual people perhaps, but nowhere near at this massive scale. I seriously believe we are witnessing something happen that has never, ever happened before. This is a sort of history in the making.

And it's astonishingly horrendous.
