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And again it's time to vocally disparage "Pride Month"

One year ago I wrote about the absolute hedonistic depravity that's "Pride Month", and how it, quite ironically, achieves the exact opposite of what it claims to be trying to achieve. (In other words, the stated goal is to normalize gay people in society, ie. to give a message that they are just normal everyday people, just like everybody else, and that there's nothing wrong or abnormal about them. And they do this by engaging in a month of extreme abnormal behavior that's not how normal people behave. Extreme hedonistic depraved perversion in public, including in front of children. That's not how normal everyday people behave. That's how predators behave.)

Unsurprisingly, the situation has not changed with the last year. It has only become worse, and will keep becoming worse and worse for the foreseeable future, until people have had enough.

The public displays of "support" for "pride month" has, year after year, become more and more prominent, obnoxious and on-the-nose, both by private institutions and corporations as well as governments. In many countries you simply cannot escape it, and it will be forcefully shoved down your throat wherever you go, whether you want it or not, and the ubiquity, pervasiveness and obnoxiousness of this propaganda has only become worse and worse, and this year is no exception.

In the few countries where it has not yet been so prominent, it's also already becoming more and more prominent by the year. This year will be more prominent than last year. Next year will be even worse. Pretty much anywhere you might live in a western country, at some point you will not be able to escape it. It will be everywhere, and you will not be able to go anywhere nor do anything nor purchase anything without the propaganda being shoved down your throat from all sides.

In many countries this has literally and without any exaggeration become worse than eg. the propaganda machine of North Korea. And the consequences for disrespecting the message is quickly reaching the same levels of severity.

If you happen to still live in a country where the propaganda is not yet being shoved down your throat, enjoy while it lasts. This may be one of the last years when you will be able to be free from it. This will become much, much worse. Your very government will betray you and shove it everywhere.
