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It's once again time to vocally disparage "Pride Month"

Celebrations, holidays and parades usually celebrate either a day that's considered somehow traditionally or religiously significant (such as Christmas), or events of great positive significance (such as the country gaining independence), or people who have achieved great accomplishments for the betterment of society or the country, or which have brought a lot of fame and recognition to the country, worthy of celebration.

There are only two types of holidays that celebrate a minority of people for merely existing, merely for what they are even though they may have never done anything of any significance for the betterment of society. Holidays that were created solely to celebrate and bolster the ego of a person or small group of people, rather than what they have done.

Those would be holidays created to celebrate a dictator, and Pride Month.

"Pride Month" started initially as just individual parades. Then it became "Pride Day". Then it eventually became "Pride Week". And then it became "Pride Month". (It's only a matter of time that the entire year is declared a "Pride Year", for all eternity, as long as the left remains in power.)

"Pride Month" does not celebrate people for their accomplishments, for great achievements or great fame. It celebrates people merely for what they are like.

It's a month of narcissism, egoism, hedonism, debauchery, decadence and arrogance. It has also become a month of authoritarianism and oppressive totalitarianism, as anybody who speaks against it will be, at a very minimum, shunned and harassed, and at worst physically assaulted. For all intents and purposes, in practice, the rainbow flags serve pretty much the same purpose and represent a very similar ideology as the Nazi or Soviet flags.

It has long since stopped being about pride, and it has become a show of dominance over society. The entire event has become provocative in several ways, and is such completely on purpose. One of the driving principles of the entire thing is to deliberately, intentionally and overtly provoke those who oppose it, completely on purpose.

Regardless of one's stance and principles with respect to homosexuals, it is perfectly possible to heavily oppose and criticize this event without opposing them. Even if one is completely fine with homosexuals and their own life choices, it is still possible to strongly oppose the absolute disgrace that is "Pride Month" without contradiction or hypocrisy.

Opposing this disgraceful decadence and debauchery is especially important today because criticism is routinely silenced by those in power, including and especially the giant tech megacorporations and news outlets who control the vast majority of public communication between people.

It does not require courage to support nor participate in Pride Month. In today's world it requires significantly more courage to vocally oppose and criticize it. Doing so has become, for all intents and purposes, a de facto crime.

(In some countries it might even become an actual de jure crime in the near future, if this continues. My bet is on Canada being the first. Possibly the UK.)
