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Do white SJWs suffer from internalized racism?

J. J. Abrams, the director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has said this about the casting decisions of that movie:
"We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple of times... you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time. It's just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we're casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want. Why not cast the show with actors of color?"
Imagine the backlash if he had said that of any other ethnicity. But in this day and age, having prejudice and discriminatory ideas against white people is not only tolerated, but celebrated.

J. J. Abrams, like so many other social justice warriors, does not see individual people. He sees skin color. When he sees a big group of people, he immediately notices how much melanin the average person present in that group has, and forms a prejudiced opinion about that group based on that, without even knowing, or caring, who they are, what they think, what their personalities are, or anything. All that matters is their skin color. If there are too many people of the wrong skin tone, that's a problem that needs fixing.

In other words, J. J. Abrams is a racist.

"But wait!" might somebody say. "J. J. Abrams is himself white! You can't be racist against your own race!"

Of course you can. There's nothing in the definition of racism (in any of the several definitions) that says that one cannot be racist against one's own race. In fact, even if we go to the self-serving SJW twisted definition of racism, which requires that the person can only be racist if he's in a position of power over the people he's racist against, J. J. Abrams fits that role perfectly, given that he was the director of the movie, making casting decisions on these applicants, deciding who gets the role (and thus a fat paycheck) and who doesn't. This is a person in authority, a person in power, being prejudiced and discriminating against people based on their skin color, and deciding who gets hired, who gets the privileges and the paychecks, and who doesn't.

And as he himself said, it wasn't even a question of whether the outwards appearance fitted the characters being cast, or the story. It was a decision made purely based on prejudice against white people in the real world, not because the script would have called for people with a certain outwards appearance.

Especially some years ago (even though the term seems to have faded into disuse), social justice warriors would respond to people who pointed out that quite many women don't seem to have experienced any significant form of sexism by claiming that those women simply suffered from "internalized misogyny". In other words, they actually were victims of sexism and misogyny, but they were inculcated by society and upbringing to simply accept it to such a point that they didn't even notice or classify it as misogyny. (And, of course, once taught by social justice warriors that they were indeed victims of misogyny, they would "wake up" to that reality.)

Well, I would propose that white social justice warriors being racist against other white people, in thinking, attitudes and actions (eg. outright discrimination in hiring), are suffering from "internalized racism". They have been brainwashed and inculcated into seeing skin color, and being prejudiced and discriminatory against white people. They are being racists against a group of people, and they don't even notice nor accept it.


  1. have you seen this? and offers renaming female body parts!


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