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Showing posts from July, 2022

The most dangerous type of cult, addendum

I have written in a previous post that the most dangerous cult is the one that has convinced the world that it's not a cult . Which, in this case, would be the modern far-leftist "social justice" ideology that has invaded pretty much all of academia, almost all of mainstream media, most of big industry, a good majority of governments, all the way down to even primary schools. What makes it dangerous is that when nobody sees it as a cult, then likewise nobody sees the warning signs, and nobody criticizes it as a cult and try to fight against it, as if it were a dangerous cult. Cult deprogrammers will not seek to bring people out of the cult because they don't think it's any sort of cult at all. There is, however, another reason why the modern "social justice" ideology is an extremely dangerous cult: Its pervasiveness and ubiquity makes it very hard for people to naturally leave. One characteristic of cults, even those where people are extremely indoctrin...

Modern "communists" do not actually know what Communism is

In recent years more and more young people have been indoctrinated, groomed and brainwashed into not only embracing far-leftism, but outright "communism" in particular. It is being more and more widely becoming accepted and desirable, even though the vast, vast majority of people (especially young people) have absolutely no idea what it actually means. Recently some leftist activist with thousands of followers asked on Twitter what people would do after communism is achieved. The vast majority of answers given by other far-leftist activists are quite telling of the utterly naive and deluded concept they have of "communism". Most of them appear to have this illusion that "communism" is pretty much in essence the mythical Arcadia of ancient Greek folklore: Peaceful pastoral country landscapes where people live in peace, happiness and harmony with nature and each other, where everybody knows everybody else, and everybody is extremely nice, amicable, peaceful...

Why a Communist regime would today collapse very fast

The Soviet Union, USSR, was pretty much the epitome of Communism. If one doesn't know the intricate details of the country one might actually be surprised how far and profoundly it implemented it. Indeed, private entrepreneurship was completely banned and every single citizen was (forcefully) assigned a job that he or she (forcefully) had to do. There was no private ownership per se (other than in the sense of the government assigning you, temporarily, some property, like an apartment or a car, which is still owned by the government, you just have a special permission to use it for the time being). There was salary, but this salary was determined 100% by the government (rather than each employer or company individually). And, most prominently, the price of every single product was set and fixed by the government, ie. free market was completely non-existent and banned (this was so to such an extent that the price of products was in fact stamped or embossed onto the products in such ...

To the far left intent does not matter, only the result

Recently there was (yet again) outrage in a city in the United States when apparently several nooses had been hung on a tree. For some reason (I don't really know why) the far left in the United States has decided that nooses are a racist symbol because sometimes slaves who escaped were hung. It doesn't matter that hanging was in no way an execution form exclusive to, or even particularly common, to black slaves, and pretty much anybody who was sentenced to death (by law or by mob justice) was usually hung, if not shot. (I assume hanging was common because it was deemed as more "ceremonial" and visible, and thus acted as a warning to others, especially since the victim would be in public display for quite some time, as a reminder of what happens to those who commit such transgressions.) As far as I know, this decision to make nooses a symbol of racism is very recent. I don't think that just a mere 10 years ago nooses were generally seen as such. (In fact, I don...

What's happening to Paul Joseph Watson?

I have commented a few times in this blog that it seems that the more time anti-leftists spend conversing with and listening to American conservatives, the more American conservative ideas seem to rub off on them. Even many European-style liberals who are staunchly anti-left, and highly critical of the excesses of the far-left, seem to one by one adopt or at a very minimum become sympathetic to the ideas of the American conservatives in particular, both in good and in bad. American conservatives are Classical Liberals to a T, and thus many European conservatives / anti-leftists seem to start becoming more sympathetic to its core tenets, as opposed to Social Liberalism (which is what European centrists and anti-leftists tend to be). If that were all, then it wouldn't be all that bad. The thing is, that's not everything that the American conservatives believe, and which therefore start rubbing off on their European (and overall non-American) counterparts. Sadly, American conserva...

At some point, Reddit got hijacked by leftists

Reddit is a social media website that focuses mainly on aggregating news articles and similar, as well as having discussions about diverse topics among users. For the longest time Reddit was politically very neutral, and pretty much any topic was welcome, regardless of political affiliation. At some point, however, two or three years ago, the site was completely hijacked and taken over by far-leftist activists, and is now just a far-leftist propaganda platform (in many ways even worse than Wikipedia). Perhaps no better indication of this is what happened to the "subreddit" group r/WikiInAction. For the longest time this used to be a forum discussing Wikipedia and its heavily and overt leftist political bias. There were tons and tons of discussion threads there. Some were very bad (essentially just braindead American conservatives spouting their conspiracy theories), some were actually really good. Some of these good threads contained a lot of interesting information about Wik...

Feminism is not about making women happy

Second-wave feminism has permeated the vast majority of the western world (and a good chunk of the "non-western" world as well) so deeply and so thoroughly that some of its most basic tenets have been inculcated into the wider public consciousness, and accepted without question and criticism. For example, if a man were to say "I think that most women would be happier as housewives and stay-at-home mothers than trying to escalate the corporate ladder" a good portion of people, perhaps even the majority (depending on the country and region) would gasp in horror. What an absolutely horrendous and despicable display of misogyny and male chauvinism! Saying something like that is in essence no different from saying "the place of a woman is slaving herself in the kitchen making sandwiches for her husband" ! How dare you! Misogynist pig! Outrageous! If a woman were to say that, feminists (and a good portion of other people) would consider herself naive and delude...

Why do tech youtubers never bench-test their PCs before building them?

The famous tech youtuber JayzTwoCents recently (as of writing this) posted a video where he gives really good advice to people building their own PC:s "It's very important to bench-test your stuff, trust me. As somebody who has only had a handful of times in my entire, not just youtube career but ever, like, building computers, like thirty years experience building computers now, I had probably one or two ever be bad out of the box, but I tell you right now: It's the ones you don't test that are guaranteed to give you the most trouble." Exactly. Very good. The problem? He never himself follows his own advice. It's a huge case of "don't do what I do, do what I say". For example, in this video he builds a PC with his daughter all the way to full completion, up to the last screw and zip-tie, all cable management, everything... before trying to turn it on for the first time. And what do you know, it doesn't boot. In a followup video he explains...

Fake online celebrities

In a previous blog post I talked about fake YouTube videos : Very popular videos that do something extraordinary (such as restore a badly damaged device or build an awesome structure using only extremely primitive tools) which completely and deliberately fail to disclose that it has been completely staged and faked (and there's nothing in context indicating that it's staged rather than genuine). If the video is monetized and gets millions of views, this could be considered at least borderline fraud. There's another form of online fakery that's less known and less noticed by people: Fake online celebrities. That doesn't mean that the person him or herself is non-existent. The person is real alright. However, his or her online celebrity status is in big part or completely faked. Most often this takes the form of such a person having a social media presence that appears on the surface to be extremely popular: Millions of views, hundreds of thousands or millions of like...

Police behavior in the Robb Elementary School shooting was astonishing

The Columbine High School shooting, in 1999, was a landmark mass shooting event that fundamentally changed not only people's perception about school shootings in the United States but, most importantly, the fundamental tactics used by law enforcement officials in such situations. You see, at Columbine the police approached the situation as if it were a hostage situation, like they had been trained to: They surrounded the building, secured the perimeter, and prepared for and started what they expected to be a long negotiation process with the hostage takers. Problem was, this wasn't a hostage situation. This was a couple of deranged students who went to the school with the explicit intent to kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. They ended up killing 12 students and one teacher, and wounding 21 others. Much of this was possible because of the passivity of the police outside the school. In face of this police tactics were changed drastically: Instead of conside...

The absolutist mentality of the far left

One of the defining characteristics of the modern far left is its absolute extremist attitude on pretty much everything. Ideas that started as having even a semblance of reason and rationality behind them (even if they weren't completely right, at least they had some logic behind them) were eventually taken to their most absolute extreme, well beyond what's logical and reasonable. Sometimes this can be seen as a (relatively) slow progression from completely agreeable to anti-scientific (and completely idiotic) absolute extremes. Sometimes the jump from somewhat-reasonable to absolute extreme is more sudden. For example, the original anti-bullying sentiment that fat kids (and fat people in general) shouldn't be bullied, made fun of, nor discriminated against was quite agreeable. I think pretty much any sane person would agree that you shouldn't bully or make fun of someone just because he's overweight. However, over time this transmogrified into the idea that sugge...

Fake YouTube videos

Many people would probably consider themselves quite adept at spotting "fake" videos of some sort, videos that seem to depict something extraordinary but which have been staged. Or at the very least, they think of themselves at least knowledgeable about what types of videos could perhaps be fake (even if they can't tell for sure if they are). Yet time and again videos pop up on YouTube that get enormously popular, with millions and millions of views, that turn out to be completely (and deliberately) misleading, faked, staged or fabricated. This is not something completely inconsequential, though. That's especially if said videos get millions of views and are monetized, which means that the video creators are getting thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars from them. If they are not disclosing the true nature of the video this is at a very minimum borderline fraud. In some cases even worse (as seen in the examples below). As mentioned, these are not just the k...

Difference in behavior between American Republicans and Democrats

I have written before about the clear difference in tone, content and toxicity of youtube comment sections of pro-SJW and anti-SJW videos. The difference is drastic and pretty much universal: A video made by a leftist criticizing, making fun of or, sometimes, presenting some kind of claim or conspiracy theory about a right-wing or Republican celebrity will have a comment section that's extremely toxic and vile, with people writing like they are complete lunatics foaming at the mouth engaging in an Orwellian "Two Minutes Hate" session. Only very rarely will a comment (that's supportive of what the video is presenting) be reasonable, or lighthearted. In contrast, when it comes to videos made by some American conservative / Republican presenting some kind of claim or conspiracy theory about a left-wing or Democrat celebrity, the comment section tends to be significantly less toxic and vile, with the vast, vast majority of the comments being more light-hearted, being j...

Is Top Gun: Maverick worth seeing?

A movie that glorifies war, fighter jets, bombs, airplane dogfights, manly men and badass women (without making any sort of deal or "message" about them), the good old American way of kicking ass, and which has literally zero lefttist politics shoved into it? And on top of that it's actually a really well-made, well-scripted, well-acted, tense and exciting movie? You bet.

Twitter is astonishingly biased

Recently Twitter banned Jordan Peterson because he dared to call the actress Ellen Page by her name, Ellen Page in a tweet. Apparently this was such a transgression against the orthodoxy that it deserved Jordan Peterson to be completely banned from the platform. At the same time other "blue checkmarks" are getting away with actual crimes, which are extremely against the Twitter terms of service, with no consequences whatsoever. For example, not only is "doxxing" people against the Twitter terms of service, but it's in fact considered by them such a big transgression that Twitter has an entire separate page dedicated to that subject: Twitter's private information and media policy . Some time ago one Kathy Griffin (one of those deeply toxic far-leftists who pretty much lives in Twitter and posts dozens and dozens of tweets every single day, all of them so toxic that it will kill your brain cells) posted a completely clear and unambiguous direct doxx of somebo...

How you know the "transitioning" of children is dogmatic, not rational

In many western countries, most prominently the United States and Canada, more and more parents have been deluded into the "trans" ideology and believing that their young children should be "transitioned" to the opposite sex if they show even the slightest symptoms. It should be extremely obvious that young children do not understand these things and cannot make rational life-long life-changing decisions on these matters that they don't know anything about, and that in the vast, vast majority of cases any "confusion" that children may have about themselves (assuming they even have such "confusion") will clear up when they grow up and start understanding things better. However, even if for a moment we entertained the idea that "transitioning" children to the opposite sex were a valid and rational thing to do, one would think that such a radical life-altering and eventually possibly irreversible body-altering and body-crippling decisi...

Social engineering in media is used because it works, addendum

Some time ago I wrote about the skewed perceptions that many people have about the demographics of their own country, no doubt caused by the over-representation of particular demographic groups in media, compared to their actual proportions in the country. More particularly, polls have shown that a sizeable proportion of Americans believe that about 50% or Americans are black, and a sizeable proportion of Britons believe that about 25% of British residents are black, when in reality the numbers are actually about 13% and 3% respectively. I commented in that post that this particular misconception is relatively harmless, but it's scary to think what more harmful misconceptions can be inculcated into the population via social engineering and propaganda. An example of a more worrying such misconception is a poll that was conducted in the United States which asked "how many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019?" Five possible choices were given: "About 10...

Indoctrination of students in universities, addendum

Some time ago I wrote a post about how it is possible that universities are so efficient at indoctrinating students and training them for far-leftist activism . Why don't (at least a good portion of the) students refuse, doubt, or present criticism of the things told to them? Surely they must be aware of what's going on in the world around them, and what the far left is doing and teaching? Surely the students can think for themselves, and not just believe everything they are told? Surely many of them will have been "inoculated" to the indoctrination by prior knowledge and experience on those things being taught at universities? You would be surprised. As I wrote in that other post, it's easy to look at the world from the lens of someone who has been closely following current sociopolitics and what's happening, watching countless hours of youtube videos about the subject. It can be a bit surprising that the people who are really knowledgeable about this modern ...

The left attacking their own: April Powers

April Powers is a black woman who is Jewish, and at the time of the incident was the "diversity chief" at a world's leading children's book writer group. That description should indicate how many leftist tickboxes she can check, and what ideology she supports. Earlier this year she made a post condemning antisemitism. Soon aftewards she received a flurry of online harassment, antisemitic slurs and even death threats. The harassment campaign was so massive and so long-lasting that she quit her position. Had right-wing extremist neo-nazis put their sights on her for some reason and organized a coordinated harassment campaign against her? Was it a group of anti-SJW Trump-loving conservatives? Was it members of the KKK? As you might guess from the title of this post the answer is no: The harassment, including the antisemitic slurs and death threats, were coming from her own side, the far leftists. But why? Did she say something offensive in that post (no matter how inadve...

The biggest lies of the trans ideology

After decades of trying myriads of different tactics and methods by which to gain power over society, the modern far-leftist "feminist" "social justice" "progressive" sociopolitical ideology seems to have found their strongest weapon in this conquest: The transgenderism ideology. Somehow they have succeeded in not only making it absolutely ubiquitous almost everywhere in the western world, but they have also succeeded into injecting their transgenderism indoctrination and propaganda into the medical community at large, as well as schools of all levels, indoctrinating and grooming more and more children into destroying their bodies and physical well-being, at ever-accelerating amounts. There are many blatant lies told by these transgenderism activists and doctors. Here are some of the biggest ones: 1) Puberty blockers are completely harmless, safe, and have no side-effects of any kind. Many transgenderism activists, including many medical doctors (who shoul...