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Why Kamala Harris is full of BS

As of writing this, Kamala Harris is campaigning to become the next President of the United States.

One of the key agendas she is promoting in her campaigns is to bring prices of everyday commodities down, which have been skyrocketing during Biden's presidency, due to enormous inflation. Her speeches are full of promises of how she's going to achieve that.

As long as she's elected, of course.

Even without delving into how feasible and realistic those measures are, whether they have merit or not, there's one quite clear sign that she is full of bullshit.


Because SHE IS THE VICE-PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW, working very closely with the current President of the United States. She is not just some nobody politician with no executive power. She is the the second in command, working closely with the head of state.

Meaning that all those measures she's talking about in order to bring prices down, she could implement them right now! She is in the position to start pushing those things! She can have the President sign whatever motions are needed. She already is in the position to do what she's promising she's going to do. She doesn't need to wait to be elected in order to do them, because for all intents and purposes she is already in office!

She could already do the things she is promising, but she is not. She is promising a lot, but doing nothing, even though she could. Instead, she's trying to use these promises in order to get elected.

It's quite clear where her priorities are.
