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Once again Trump might not win the election

Donald Trump became the President of the United States in 2016 against most predictions.

When he ran for re-election four years later, most conservatives were predicting it to be, once again, a foregone conclusion: Of course people would elect him again. However, that didn't end up happening.

While some election interference and corruption might have happened (which, rather curiously, the FBI and the Supreme Court both refused to even starting to investigate, refused to even trying to find out if there was a reason to start an investigation on the matter), I believe that the main cause for this was the change in attitude by the mainstream media.

During the 2016 election campaigns the American mainstream media was quite literally laughing at Trump, considering his chances of being elected to quite literally be zero. Many news companies were literally giving him less than 1% chance of being elected. They quite explicitly thought that Hillary Clinton being elected was a foregone conclusion, and there was absolutely no doubt that would happen.

What they didn't realize is that this massive ridiculing campaign would cause a good portion of the Democrat electorate to not bother voting. After all, if the results of the election were so clear already, if it's a slam dunk and a foregone conclusion, why even bother going to vote? One vote isn't going to make a difference. Thus, voting numbers by Democrats hit a record low (or at least very close to it).

Four years later the American mainstream media had learned their lesson and engaged in a rather different tactic this time: They had already engaged in a non-stop smearing and defamation campaign against Trump for the entirety of the four years of his presidency, without missing a single day, and they only ramped it up ten-fold as the election cycle was approaching. In other words, rather than engaging in mockery and ridicule, they now engaged in defamation and fear-mongering.

And what do you know, it worked: Democrat voting rates hit an all-time high.

In fact, for quite some time the Biden administration and the mainstream media touted how he was "the most popular President in history" because of the number of votes he received, which was the highest in the history of the country.

But that's, of course, deceiving. Democrats were not voting for Biden. They were voting against Trump. Quite literally and without a shred of exaggeration, it would not have mattered one iota who was running against Trump, Democrats would have still voted for that person, no matter what, because it was a vote against Trump. The Democratic Party could have literally put a houseplant to run against Trump, and Democrats would have voted for it. Hell, they could have literally resurrected Hitler himself, with all of his political views and opinions intact, and put him to run as the Democratic presidential candidate against Trump, and the Democrats would have voted for him, just because it was a vote against Trump.

The fact is that, for all intents and purposes, Joe Biden did not receive any votes. People were not voting for him. Pretty much every single vote was against Trump, not for Biden. The voting slips could just as well have said "Trump" and "Not Trump", because that's in practice what people were voting.

I fear that now, in 2024, history is just repeating itself.

Because of all the events that have been happening in the past four years, Republicans are once again considering it a slam dunk case, a foregone conclusion, that Trump will be re-elected this time.

Problem is, now the American mainstream media has had 8 years of anti-Trump propaganda in order to instill fear into the Democrat population. And if you thought that the propaganda was bad four years ago, it has been ramped up ten-fold this time around.

So, once again, people are voting for two choices: "Trump" and "Not Trump". They literally do not care who is running against Trump.

And, I fear, history will repeat itself, and whoever ends up running against Trump will once again win, because unfortunately the anti-Trump propaganda works, and it seems to me that the amount of Democrats in the country vastly outnumber the Republicans, so there's nothing that they can do about it. The mainstream media has made sure that almost every single Democrat goes to vote against Trump, so they will likely outnumber the Republicans no matter what.

I will be pleasantly surprised if that's not the case (because so-called "swing states" might have switched to Trump in recent years), but I would not be surprised if Trump loses the election once again, and history repeats itself.

If he doesn't win, the situation in the United States is only going to get worse than it already is. If you thought the situation eg. at the south border is bad, it's only going to get worse.
