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NASA's "white supremacy culture" ideas make no sense

The modern deeply racist far-leftist "progressive" cult has successfully invaded almost every single aspect of society, especially in the United States, all the way from the top down to the bottom.

Thus, while quite sad, it's in no way surprising that they have successfully invaded such a prestigious institution of NASA as well.

Recently a "diversity, equity and inclusion" lecture held in some NASA broadcast has made the rounds for how egregious it is. In particular, their concept of "white supremacy culture" is completely and absolutely asinine (but completely par for the course for modern far-leftism):

Let's examine some of the listed characteristics of "white supremacy culture":

They are seriously saying that things like "perfectionism", "objectivity", "fear of open conflict", "quantity over quality", "defensiveness", "paternalism", "progress is bigger, more" and so on are features of "white supremacy culture"?

Note that they aren't even saying that they are features of "white culture", but of "white supremacy culture" in particular.

What does that even mean? Are they really saying that white supremacists out there, people who believe that white people are inherently, innately, genetically and culturally superior to other people, are out there saying things like "look at all those (racial slur), not having fear of open conflict, and appreciating quality more than quantity; what a bunch of inferior losers! Rather obviously we white people are superior to them because we fear open conflict, we prefer quantity over quality and we have a sense of urgency!"

Yeah, because as we all know, white supremacists are notorious for their fear of open conflict, for their perfectionism and objectivity, for their preference of quantity over quality and so on.

None of the listed characteristics are somehow notable or exclusive, or even real, characteristics of white supremacists or "white supremacy culture".

Some of the listed characteristics don't make any sense all in themselves. "Worship of the Written Word"? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Are white supremacists known for worshiping the written word? Is anybody known and notorious for "worshiping the written word"? (I'm assuming that they aren't talking about religious people worshiping their Holy Scriptures, as that doesn't seem to be the context here.)

There is, of course, another way in which that slide makes absolutely no sense: Several of the listed characteristics are quite positive: Objectivity, individualism, perfectionism.

They are attributing those positive characteristics to "white supremacy culture". And, thus, to be opposed and removed from NASA and everywhere.

Why does anybody listen to this garbage? Seriously. These people teaching these things should be laughed off and dismissed. Their religious tenets are absolutely ridiculous, asinine and laughable.
