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Sometimes Matt Walsh is a complete idiot

Recently the famous book author J. K. Rowling wrote a tweet about the travesty that was a man competing against a woman in boxing in the Olympics:

It should be quite obvious that she's being sarcastic there. She's not literally claiming that the "men's rights movement" and "misogyny" is the culprit to this travesty.

It's rather obviously sarcasm. What she's saying is, essentially, "far-leftists, you have become what you hate. You have become supporters of men physically beating women. You have become supporters of not only men robbing women of their rewards and achievements, but literally punching them in the face. You have, essentially, become misogynists, you have become what you hate." It should be rather obvious that she's not actually criticizing the "men's rights movement", she's criticizing the modern far left that has caused this travesty to become possible. She is essentially insulting the far left by saying that they have become, for all intents and purposes, their own enemy, the people they used to oppose and hate.

(Note how she uses the term "new men's rights movement"? Quite clearly she is talking about the modern far left, not the "men's rights movement".)

Apparently this sarcasm was way too subtle for Matt Walsh.

Matt Walsh is a very popular American ultra-conservative activist and political commentator, who uploads videos to the website of his company as well as YouTube. Very often he makes very good points about politics, current events, and even other social matters, such as giving life advice to young men.

But sometimes apparently he can't help but be a complete moron.

In a recent video he completely misses Rowling's sarcasm. He seriously thinks that Rowling was literally blaming the "men's rights movement" and The Patriarchy. He completely and absolutely misses Rowling's sarcasm, and genuinely seems to take it literally. It's quite obvious from his words and his tone that he is not himself being sarcastic or facetious. It's quite obvious that he's being 100% serious.

Come on, Matt. You are smarter than this. You went full retard on this one.
