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How has our western society regressed this much?

While the treatment of women might not have always been stellar in western countries, and at times there has been a genuine sentiment among some groups of men that women are genuinely inferior or, at the very least, so different that they can't even be expected to understand and participate in the same endeavors and activities as men, there nevertheless has always existed also a strong culture of gentlemanliness in pretty much all western cultures (and almost all cultures, period).

In other words, the proper way to treat women among distinguished civilized gentlemen is that of respect and courtesy. A man hitting a woman has always been seen as a horrible act, cowardly, abusive, condemnable and hideous. A true gentleman would never succumb so low as to physically hit a woman.

Yet, today we are a world where men physically assaulting women is not only considered acceptable, but it is, in fact, an Olympic sport.

And that's literal, not hyperbolic. Indeed, in the 2024 Paris Olympics, a man physically assaulted women, as a form of competition, not only robbing them of their medals and prizes, but also injuring them by physical hits.

And this is, somehow, supposed to be considered acceptable. Millions of people were watching this, and it was supposed to be acceptable.

To that man, who I will not give even the honor of name him, I have this message: You are a FUCKING COWARD. You are right in not considering yourself a man, because you are a COWARD, not a man. You have lost the right to call yourself a man. True men do not do that. Hitting women like that, for sport. You are nothing but an abusive woman beater and a fucking coward. I cannot even begin to express my disdain for you. You don't belong on a podium; you belong in jail.

To the Olympic committee that allowed this absolute disgrace and travesty to happen: You are all fucking cowards. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

To all the people who watched that absolute disgrace and thought it was acceptable: Shame on you. You should reconsider your life choices. Men do not beat women like that, that's just heinous and a complete disgrace. It's completely unacceptable.

It makes me absolutely furious that our world has become like this.
