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Showing posts from August, 2024

NASA's "white supremacy culture" ideas make no sense

The modern deeply racist far-leftist "progressive" cult has successfully invaded almost every single aspect of society, especially in the United States, all the way from the top down to the bottom. Thus, while quite sad, it's in no way surprising that they have successfully invaded such a prestigious institution of NASA as well. Recently a "diversity, equity and inclusion" lecture held in some NASA broadcast has made the rounds for how egregious it is. In particular, their concept of "white supremacy culture" is completely and absolutely asinine (but completely par for the course for modern far-leftism): Let's examine some of the listed characteristics of "white supremacy culture": They are seriously saying that things like "perfectionism", "objectivity", "fear of open conflict", "quantity over quality", "defensiveness", "paternalism", "progress is bigger, more" and so

Why Kamala Harris is full of BS

As of writing this, Kamala Harris is campaigning to become the next President of the United States. One of the key agendas she is promoting in her campaigns is to bring prices of everyday commodities down, which have been skyrocketing during Biden's presidency, due to enormous inflation. Her speeches are full of promises of how she's going to achieve that. As long as she's elected, of course. Even without delving into how feasible and realistic those measures are, whether they have merit or not, there's one quite clear sign that she is full of bullshit. Why? Because SHE IS THE VICE-PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW, working very closely with the current President of the United States. She is not just some nobody politician with no executive power. She is the the second in command, working closely with the head of state. Meaning that all those measures she's talking about in order to bring prices down, she could implement them right now! She is in the position to start pushing tho

Taking the "they-pronoun fetish" to the next level

I have made several blog posts about the math popularizer and youtuber Matt Parker and how he has got a very bad case of " they-pronoun fetish ", which he contracted some time in the late 2019. Since then he has been on a more or less active quest to make "they" the standard "gender-neutral third-person singular pronoun". Rather obviously, he isn't the only person doing this, of course. He most likely didn't come up with that idea (ie. to try to spread that notion by using that pronoun in that manner everywhere), it's likely somehow talked him into it, and rather obviously he isn't the only person who has been thus talked into doing it. I recently came across this YouTube video about the concept of "second-person perspective video games" by some smaller youtuber (56k subscribers as of writing this). The author talks a lot about the concepts of "first person", "second person" and "third person", and w

Once again Trump might not win the election

Donald Trump became the President of the United States in 2016 against most predictions. When he ran for re-election four years later, most conservatives were predicting it to be, once again, a foregone conclusion: Of course people would elect him again. However, that didn't end up happening. While some election interference and corruption might have happened (which, rather curiously, the FBI and the Supreme Court both refused to even starting to investigate, refused to even trying to find out if there was a reason to start an investigation on the matter), I believe that the main cause for this was the change in attitude by the mainstream media. During the 2016 election campaigns the American mainstream media was quite literally laughing at Trump, considering his chances of being elected to quite literally be zero. Many news companies were literally giving him less than 1% chance of being elected. They quite explicitly thought that Hillary Clinton being elected was a foregone concl

How has our western society regressed this much?

While the treatment of women might not have always been stellar in western countries, and at times there has been a genuine sentiment among some groups of men that women are genuinely inferior or, at the very least, so different that they can't even be expected to understand and participate in the same endeavors and activities as men, there nevertheless has always existed also a strong culture of gentlemanliness in pretty much all western cultures (and almost all cultures, period). In other words, the proper way to treat women among distinguished civilized gentlemen is that of respect and courtesy. A man hitting a woman has always been seen as a horrible act, cowardly, abusive, condemnable and hideous. A true gentleman would never succumb so low as to physically hit a woman. Yet, today we are a world where men physically assaulting women is not only considered acceptable, but it is, in fact, an Olympic sport. And that's literal, not hyperbolic. Indeed, in the 2024 Paris Olympi

Social media sites punishing their users but not telling them why

For some time now YouTube has implemented a system where if you write a comment that's either automatically deemed or, possibly, reported as breaching the community guidelines (I don't know if both can be the source of this, or only one of them, because unsurprisingly YouTube doesn't publish such information), you may receive a notification telling that your comment has been auto-removed because of the breach of community guidelines. In fact, more recently they have implemented something even more drastic: In some circumstances (again, they don't tell in which) you may get a temporary ban from writing any comments. You just get a notification that says eg. "we have detected that one of your comments may be against our community guidelines: Hate speech" and say that you are not allowed to post comments for 24 hours. The thing is: This notification does not tell which comment you have written was infringing. There is literally no way of finding this out. The not

A form of copyright infrinement on many YouTube channels nobody has noticed

There are many YouTube channels that might not be technically speaking "scams" per se, but they are extremely lazy content that can nevertheless gain pretty large audiences (and, thus, sizeable advertisement revenue). One of these channel types is the one that simply reposts stories from other social media websites, such as (and most typically) Reddit, showing the original text and reading it out loud (by either a person or, to more and more extents nowadays, by an AI text-to-speech program). Note that these videos are not transformative: They just show the original text that someone posted on another social media website, as is, and just read it out loud, verbatim, and that's it. There is no commentary, no opinions, nothing extra that's not in the original text. This is, in fact, copyright infringement, pure and simple. Many people have the misconception that if someone posts something online, in a place that's open to the public, where anybody can read it, then

Sometimes Matt Walsh is a complete idiot

Recently the famous book author J. K. Rowling wrote a tweet about the travesty that was a man competing against a woman in boxing in the Olympics: It should be quite obvious that she's being sarcastic there. She's not literally claiming that the "men's rights movement" and "misogyny" is the culprit to this travesty. It's rather obviously sarcasm. What she's saying is, essentially, "far-leftists, you have become what you hate. You have become supporters of men physically beating women. You have become supporters of not only men robbing women of their rewards and achievements, but literally punching them in the face. You have, essentially, become misogynists, you have become what you hate." It should be rather obvious that she's not actually criticizing the "men's rights movement", she's criticizing the modern far left that has caused this travesty to become possible. She is essentially insulting the far left by sayi