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Why is crime legal when doing it in large protests?

When Donald Trump was announced as the next President of the United States at the end of 2016 there were, unsurprisingly, massive riots. (Because, according to far-leftist logic, massive riots are going to help in some manner to stop him from becoming the President. Somehow.)

In the city of New York alone there were literally thousands and thousands of rioters who caused an incalculable amount of property damage and injury to other people.

From those thousands and thousands of rioters doing property damage, do you know how many were arrested? About a hundred.

From that hundred of people who were arrested, do you know how many were convicted of a crime? Or even prosecuted for that matter?

Not one of them. Zero. Nobody. Every single one of them was set free and charges eventually dropped.

Since 2016 the situation in the vast majority of the United States, and in fact in some other countries too, as only become worse in this regard. Not better.

The situation has become so bad that we can have clear crisp very detailed video footage of someone committing extremely clear and unambiguous crimes (such as property damage, arson, etc.) and that person is never arrested, never prosecuted, never convicted. If you did the research and compiled a list, that list would probably be thousands and thousands of entries long.

There's even more footage of people rioting, destroying and vandalizing property, and doing all other sorts of crimes, with the police doing absolutely nothing to stop it nor apprehending the criminals. There are even many examples where the police are watching it happen right in front of them, and doing nothing to stop it. There are even examples of people being physically assaulted right in front of a big bunch of police officers, with the victim pleading the officers to help, and the cops do absolutely nothing but watch. There's also at least one very concrete example of a riot happening and the police forces keeping away from it because of the direct command by the police chief to do so; a direct command to stay away and not intervene, to not stop the rioters.

Unfortunately this isn't unique to the United States. There are some astonishingly egregious examples from the United Kingdom. Such as video footage of protesters illegally sitting on a street blocking traffic, with not only cops watching them and doing nothing, but most astonishingly, when an ambulance displaying emergency lights was trying to get through, a cop politely asks if the protesters could let it go through, and when the protesters did nothing, the cop did nothing either.

And do you know what happened to that cop, or any of the other thousands of cops who watch crimes happening and do nothing about it, in other words who are directly complicit in those crimes by explicitly allowing them to be perpetrated without even trying to stop it or apprehending the criminals?

Nothing, of course.

If you, as a lone person, go somewhere and eg. throw a rock through the window of a shop, you will be apprehended, arrested and prosecuted for that crime. However, if you are part of a riot consisting of a thousand people, chances are that nothing will be done to you. Not even if there's very clear and unambiguous crisp full-daylight footage of you doing it, with your face very clearly seen and recognizable. Not even then.

There are many, many examples.

Not all countries are like this, of course, but most of the United States, and some other countries, are.

My question is: Why?

Why are you allowed to commit crimes if in a large group of "protesters", which you would never be allowed to commit alone on your own? What's the difference? Where in law is that difference stated?

And I'm not here talking about the cases where there's lack of evidence and resources to find out the identities of thousands and thousands of masked people from blurry video footage (or no footage at all). I'm here talking about people who have been filmed in crisp-clear high-resolution footage, up close, during bright daylight, with faces clearly visible and recognizable, and even the identity of the person known.

Why are they allowed to get away with clear crimes?
