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Biden's crime against humanity everybody has forgotten

In 2021 the Joe Biden presidential administration orchestrated the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, which American forces had been occupying for quite a long time.

This withdrawal turned out to be an absolute disaster and shitshow, not the least because of the total abandonment of the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls, to their horrendous fates.

As soon as the American troops withdrew from the country, the Taliban immediately took over and established their old totalitarian Islamic regime which essentially made all women and girls sex slaves living in horrendous oppression. The fate of the Afghan men who the Taliban considered had "betrayed" the country to the Americans was not much better.

The videos of the last American troops leaving the country are heartbreaking. Hundreds and hundreds, even thousands, of Afghan people, especially women and girls, had flocked the American military airport begging to be taken to safety, because they knew exactly what was going to happen to them pretty much immediately when the Americans weren't protecting them. The American troops heartlessly just left them behind, abandoning them to their fates. And those Afghan people were 100% correct because the Taliban pretty much immediately took over the country with no resistance from the government whatsoever.

I consider this a bona fide crime against humanity.

But it gets even worse.

You see, for reasons that I cannot even begin to comprehend, the American troops were ordered to leave behind literally tens of billions of dollars worth of modern military equipment. Armored military cars, helicopters, military gear... you name it. These were immediately appropriated by the Taliban forces.

In other words, the Biden administration literally gifted a terrorist organization tens of billions of dollars worth of modern military equipment.

So it was, in fact, a double crime against humanity: Complete disregard to the safety and lives of people under their care, abandoning them to their horrible fates, and funding a terrorist organization with tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment.

Biden's critics did talk about these crimes for a while when it happened.

Are they still talking about it? Nope. Nobody is talking about it. Why? I have absolutely no idea.

This is one of the major problems with the critics of far-leftism: They talk about the crimes committed by the far-leftists for a while, and then they just forget about it and move to something else. In essence, they allow the far-leftists to get away with their crimes, even when they are severe crimes against humanity.

This is very different from the far-leftist tactic: If someone they hate commits some kind of objectionable act, they will keep shouting about it from the rooftops year after year, decade after decade.

For example, things they accused Donald Trump of doing, before his presidency and during the first years of it, 8 years ago? Have the leftist forgotten about them and just moved to something else, like their critics love to do? Nope. They still keep bringing those things up again and again, after all these years. They still keep bringing up the same accusations, the criticism.

They keep drumming on the same points because it works: Such arguments just keep piling up, and when you keep them fresh for years and decades, you keep on building up an entire arsenal.

But their critics don't do that. They present their criticism for some weeks or months, and then they forget about it and move to something else, and never talk about it again. Such as this crime against humanity by the Biden administration.

And that's why the left is winning and their critics are losing.
