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The hypocrisy of the left (about Trump's assassination attempt)

Every single time there's some kind of notable shooting incident, the American left hurries to once again campaign for stricter gun control, and even banning gun ownership completely. Be it a school shooting, another kind of mass shooting (like the one that happened in Las Vegas a few years ago), or any other very notable shooting (with fatalities or not), the response by the American left is always the same.

Well... that's actually incorrect. Not always. Just take the right person, in this case one Donald J. Trump, and what do you know... crickets. How many American leftists who vocally rallies against guns every single time a notable shooting happens, are now doing the same?

There's only one thing that's consistent about the American left, and that's their hypocrisy.

(This isn't a pro-gun-ownership or anti-gun-ownership post. This is a criticism of the hypocrisy of the American left, and the criticism is completely valid regardless of one's personal opinion on gun control.)

The incident also shows another despicable aspect of the American left: Many, probably most, of them are loudly lamenting that the attempt failed.

These people do not give a flying fuck about the life of another human being. They would rejoice to high heavens if a particular person is murdered in cold blood.

Mind you, most of these people are also categorically against the death penalty.

Not only are they hypocrites, but they are also complete sociopaths. It's a form of "learned sociopathy": Because of their extremist political indoctrination they have grown to literally not care about human life and would rejoice if a person they don't like gets murdered. They literally do not give a flying fuck about that person's life, and most of them would say it out loud if asked, without hesitation or shame. They are complete sociopaths.

And they think they are the good guys.

What an absolute joke.
