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"Pro choice" is just an euphemism

I wrote earlier a blog post about how far-leftists appear to have many words and expressions that they don't use literally but euphemistically to refer to something else that, for some reason, they don't want to say outright (which isn't surprising, given how much far-leftists love playing with words). More particularly, how they use (or at least used to use) the word "multicultural" to actually mean "multiracial", and especially nowadays how they use the word "diverse" to mean "non-white".

It's sometimes funny how they sometimes reveal they are using them as such euphemisms by sort of Freudian slips, using those terms very explicitly to refer to what they actually mean, making the euphemisms sound completely ridiculous (such as using "diverse" to describe a group of people who look like clones of each other, as mentioned in that blog post.)

Well, here's another example: "Pro choice."

Some far-leftist "gen-z" young woman made a tik-tok video (seen eg. here) where she says: "I always forget that being pro choice technically means I'm pro people also being able to choose to KEEP the baby." She continues to describe how some girl in her high school got pregnant and decided to keep the baby, and she was flabbergasted, telling her "our state is pro choice, you can get rid of it!" and then getting reminded that "choice" also means that she can choose to keep the baby.

It's quite clear that she never thought that "pro choice" means actually choosing between the two options. It's quite clear that she always thought that "pro choice" means only one thing. In other words, having an abortion.

In the video she also says that now, when she has actually thought what the word "choice" means, she doesn't know if she's actually "pro choice".

It just goes to show that, once again, the far left is using a word euphemistically, to mean something else entirely. They are not pro "choice". They are pro "abortion". Not as in in favor of abortion being legal and available, but in favor of people having abortions.

It also reveals another feature of modern far-leftism: Learned sociopathy.

She shows literally zero empathy for the baby that she talks about in the video. Zero. None. Nada. She couldn't give a flying fuck about a human life, and considers it worth less than trash.

I doubt she was born such a sociopath who does not care one iota about human life. She has learned it.

And, of course, she's by far not the only such person.
