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One of the main reasons they want kids on hormones

Especially in the United States, and sadly to more and more extent in many other western countries, the far left is pushing extremely strongly putting very young people on "hormone therapy" of the opposite sex for even the mildest of symptoms of "gender dysphoria".

There is a lot of evidence that in many cases this is extremely predatory by authority figures, especially school teachers and certain medical practitioners. Many school teachers, who are fully indoctrinated into the far-leftist cult, are literally and very explicitly preying on the most vulnerable children under their care, grooming them into becoming "trans" and inducing them to start hormone treatment as soon as possible. As testified by many people, also many doctors are doing so, using the most tenuous of excuses and alleged symptoms (which are oftentimes exaggerated rather than examined in a neutral way).

(In my opinion that should be considered a bona fide crime against humanity, but this blog post is not about that.)

Why they want as many kids "transed" as possible is a subject on its own. However, here I'm discussing why they want to hurry up with the hormone therapy so vehemently and so soon.

There's ample strong evidence that when young teenagers have some mild confusion about their self, who they are, what their role in this world is, and insecurities about their "gender role", in the vast, vast majority of cases (over 99%) these get resolved on their own within a few years, at the latest when they become adults.

All this confusion about oneself is completely normal and understandable: The body is being pumped with hormones, causing all kinds of physical and mental symptoms that were not there before, not just changes to the physical body, but also to one's brain and thoughts. Mood swings, symptoms resembling those of mild manic-depressive disorder and so on, are normal but temporary. This may be aggravated by the teenager's environment, eg. school environment. The teenager might feel insecurity because he or she isn't like the "cool kids", the "tough boys" who get all the girls, or the elegant "girly girls" who look beautiful and get all the admiration and seem naturally able to command people around them. "Why am I not like them? What's wrong with me? Why am I like this? Why am I wrong? Why am I worthless? Why am I not capable of doing the same things as others are?"

All that is completely normal and to be expected, and most people go through that. Yes, even the "cool kids" usually go through those or similar sentiments at some point. Nobody is a natural.

It also makes sense why those feelings get resolved in later teenage or early adult years: The hormones stabilize, the body and mind reach their final forms, the hormone storm and mood swings stop, life experience gives a new insight about oneself in relation to others and society. While some people never get over their insecurities and anxiety, most of them do, because it's usually just caused by the new hormones coursing through their bodies.

Thus, the vast, vast majority of even genuinely "gender-dysphoric" teenagers get over it by the time they become adults, and settle on their own physical sex, because that's the most natural mindset for them, even if hormones temporarily caused a bit of confusion.

But what happens when such a teenager is suddenly pumped full of hormones of the opposite sex?

Well, that changes it radically. In the same way as there's plenty of strong evidence that the vast majority of "gender-dysphoric" teenagers eventually get over it and end up accepting their own physical sex when left on their own, there's likewise plenty of evidence that a teenager who's pumped full of the wrong sex hormone will tend to end on that half of the sex divide in their mentality and thinking.

In other words, the hormones of the wrong sex tend to be a self-fulfilling prophecy: They don't merely "affirm" the person's perceived sex, they change it from what it is. The person will much more likely start believing they are of the opposite sex, because the hormones are affecting their brain in that manner. This is not always the case (and there are plenty of people who "deconverted" and regret having ever even started), but evidence suggests it's extremely common.

And that's one of the main reasons why they want to start "hormone therapy" as soon as possible, for as many kids as possible: It's quite literally a "transsexualizing potion". It makes people into transsexuals. And that's exactly what they want.
