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Far-leftists are like creationists: Pathological liars

I have been saying for quite a long time that creationists, especially the young Earth kind, cannot open their mouths without lies pouring out. They are outright pathological liars. They literally cannot say anything about their belief system, and they especially can't say anything about science, like biology, that doesn't contain lies. Watch them talk about eg. the theory of evolution, and there will not be a single thing in what they say that isn't a lie. It's so bad that you pretty much don't even have to go and corroborate the veracity or falsity of a claim they are making about evolution: It's safe to assume that it's just a lie.

Well, modern SJW far-leftists, especially the American ones, are exactly the same: Pretty much everything they say about their ideology or, especially, about their opposition can be pretty safely assumed to be an outright lie.

As a concrete example, if American far-leftists make a claim about a law that the Republicans have passed or are trying to pass, there's no need to even check if the claim is true or not: It's very safe to assume that it's completely false, a complete distortion. There's example after example after example of this. By this point it's quite clear that they are literally unable to make claims about such laws that are actually true and accurate. They have a compulsion to lie about them.

And this isn't even limited to anonymous far-leftists on social media, or even more prominent far-leftist journalists or academics or the like. Members of the Democratic Party, including those elected to congress, even including the President of the United States, make all the same deliberately false claims. They just lie, and lie, and lie.
