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Showing posts from July, 2024

Far-leftists are like creationists: Pathological liars

I have been saying for quite a long time that creationists, especially the young Earth kind, cannot open their mouths without lies pouring out. They are outright pathological liars. They literally cannot say anything about their belief system, and they especially can't say anything about science, like biology, that doesn't contain lies. Watch them talk about eg. the theory of evolution, and there will not be a single thing in what they say that isn't a lie. It's so bad that you pretty much don't even have to go and corroborate the veracity or falsity of a claim they are making about evolution: It's safe to assume that it's just a lie. Well, modern SJW far-leftists, especially the American ones, are exactly the same: Pretty much everything they say about their ideology or, especially, about their opposition can be pretty safely assumed to be an outright lie. As a concrete example, if American far-leftists make a claim about a law that the Republicans have pas

One good thing about far-leftist virtue-signaling

The modern far-leftist "social justice" ideology is a cult. It has pretty much every single hallmark of a cult (with perhaps the only exception being one singular person who is the leader that every member worships and follows). One of the characteristics of such a cult is following commands like sheep, with no criticism, no questions, no skepticism. When an idea spreads enough in the far-leftist cult, ie. reaches a critical point of popularity so that it ends up spreading among the entire cult population, pretty much all of the members will obey and start following what the idea is commanding them to do. One of these ideas that has spread among the members is the idea that they should virtue-signal in social media and everywhere by putting their "preferred pronouns" in their bios, use one or more of the five million alphabet flags, and proudly announce their "gender identity" or whatever, from the nine billion possibilities. For skeptics, for people who d

Sometimes history is invented by a single person

It's amazing, astonishing, and in a certain way a bit scary, that sometimes well-known historical "facts" turn out to be completely unfounded, and when the origin of these "facts" is traced back, they can sometimes be attributed to one single person who, for one reason or another, pretty much essentially invented said "fact" out of thin cloth (or, at a very minimum, used an unknown source that pretty much invented it out of thin cloth.) As an example, for the longest time it was generally accepted that when Rome defeated Carthage at the end of the Third Punic War (in 146 BC), the Romans proceeded to "salt the earth" of Carthage, ie. spread salt all over the arable land of Carthage in order to make it infertile and cause a famine. More recently this story has been put into doubt for several reasons and is currently considered completely fictitious. For starters, there is no evidence whatsoever that Rome did this to anybody, especially since it

Biden's crime against humanity everybody has forgotten

In 2021 the Joe Biden presidential administration orchestrated the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, which American forces had been occupying for quite a long time. This withdrawal turned out to be an absolute disaster and shitshow, not the least because of the total abandonment of the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls, to their horrendous fates. As soon as the American troops withdrew from the country, the Taliban immediately took over and established their old totalitarian Islamic regime which essentially made all women and girls sex slaves living in horrendous oppression. The fate of the Afghan men who the Taliban considered had "betrayed" the country to the Americans was not much better. The videos of the last American troops leaving the country are heartbreaking. Hundreds and hundreds, even thousands, of Afghan people, especially women and girls, had flocked the American military airport begging to be taken to safety, because they knew exactly

I have mild car anxiety

I have never acquired a driver's license, and thus I don't drive myself. For decades I didn't really think much of being in a car as a passenger. However, over time, over the course of a decade or two, I have gained a kind of mild anxiety, a mild phobia, at being in a car. Not so much that it would deter me from being a passenger in a car, but I just can't help but be slightly worried for the entire trip. There's a couple of reasons for this. For one, I have seen way, way too many times how careless people are when driving. Sometimes people are so careless as to it being outright scary. When I'm in the passenger seat, it would be best to not have any conversation with the driver at all. However, that's pretty much in essence impossible. Even if I were to sit there quiet, the driver will invariably strike a conversation. Why is that a problem? Because it seems to me that apparently there's this extremely strong psychological phenomenon that when you are

Why is crime legal when doing it in large protests?

When Donald Trump was announced as the next President of the United States at the end of 2016 there were, unsurprisingly, massive riots. (Because, according to far-leftist logic, massive riots are going to help in some manner to stop him from becoming the President. Somehow.) In the city of New York alone there were literally thousands and thousands of rioters who caused an incalculable amount of property damage and injury to other people. From those thousands and thousands of rioters doing property damage, do you know how many were arrested? About a hundred. From that hundred of people who were arrested, do you know how many were convicted of a crime? Or even prosecuted for that matter? Not one of them. Zero. Nobody. Every single one of them was set free and charges eventually dropped. Since 2016 the situation in the vast majority of the United States, and in fact in some other countries too, as only become worse in this regard. Not better. The situation has become so bad that we can

The one thing I would like to know about the Trump assassination attempt

On July 13, 2024, Donald Trump was almost assassinated by a gunman while he was giving a speech. I won't go into more details here because it's trivial to google for it. There is, however, one thing I would really, really like to know about the whole thing. The roof where the perpetrator was shooting from, was completely unsecured, both by secret service and the local law enforcement. This even though it's completely standard protocol to secure all building roofs that have such a clear line of sight to the VIP. As far as I know, the current explanation (or excuse) is that there was a miscommunication between secret service and the police forces. In other words, the secret service thought that securing that particular roof was the task of the police forces (because it was too far from their area), while the police forces thought that it was secured by secret service (because they thought it was within their area). And, thus, nobody secured the roof because everybody thought

One of the main reasons they want kids on hormones

Especially in the United States, and sadly to more and more extent in many other western countries, the far left is pushing extremely strongly putting very young people on "hormone therapy" of the opposite sex for even the mildest of symptoms of "gender dysphoria". There is a lot of evidence that in many cases this is extremely predatory by authority figures, especially school teachers and certain medical practitioners. Many school teachers, who are fully indoctrinated into the far-leftist cult, are literally and very explicitly preying on the most vulnerable children under their care, grooming them into becoming "trans" and inducing them to start hormone treatment as soon as possible. As testified by many people, also many doctors are doing so, using the most tenuous of excuses and alleged symptoms (which are oftentimes exaggerated rather than examined in a neutral way). (In my opinion that should be considered a bona fide crime against humanity, but th

The hypocrisy of the left (about Trump's assassination attempt)

Every single time there's some kind of notable shooting incident, the American left hurries to once again campaign for stricter gun control, and even banning gun ownership completely. Be it a school shooting, another kind of mass shooting (like the one that happened in Las Vegas a few years ago), or any other very notable shooting (with fatalities or not), the response by the American left is always the same. Well... that's actually incorrect. Not always . Just take the right person, in this case one Donald J. Trump, and what do you know... crickets. How many American leftists who vocally rallies against guns every single time a notable shooting happens, are now doing the same? There's only one thing that's consistent about the American left, and that's their hypocrisy. (This isn't a pro-gun-ownership or anti-gun-ownership post. This is a criticism of the hypocrisy of the American left, and the criticism is completely valid regardless of one's personal opini

A big flaw in American First Amendment enforcement

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution limits the actions of the government and guarantees five rights to citizens: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to congregate, and right to redress grievances to the government. While the amendment uses the expression "shall make no law", federal and other courts have numerous times interpreted the spirit of the amendment to include all actions by government officials, not just the passing of laws by congress. In other words, government officials cannot suppress or punish people for the exercise of these rights by using the excuse "this is not a law we are passing, therefore it's not against the Constitution." And, indeed, government officials, such as police officers, have been reprimanded, sued and even punished for violations of the First Amendment because of their actions (even though they, rather obviously, are not trying to pass any kind of law.) However, there's on

One drawback of a welfare state

Living in an European welfare state, which is founded on a full-on welfare capitalist system of government and economy, I really believe that it's one of the best if not the best system of government and economy in the world. Taxes may be high, but in return there is no homelessness (save for a minuscule group of individuals who deliberately choose to live homeless for some reason, even though they wouldn't have to), there's 100% literacy and a high level of education among the wider population, and nobody has to endure lack of high-quality medical practice because of not being able to afford it. Despite the scaremongering of American conservatives, there are way more positives to universal healthcare than negatives and, most importantly, it does not exist in exclusion to private medical practice. If you so choose, and you can afford it (or, more commonly, have it as an employment benefit), you can go to any of the hundreds of private clinics in the country, to see one of

WTF is a "lesbian trans-woman"?

I happened to stumble across a YouTube video preaching to the far-leftist cult, and rather obviously the comment section was full of love-bombing (ie. metaphorical dick-sucking of the video's author.) One particular comment caught my eye. It was written by a self-described "lesbian trans-woman". So... just a guy who likes women? Maybe one with a cross-dressing fetish (even if that)? Sounds pretty heterosexual to me, even if with some fetish. It's perhaps the most hilarious self-categorization of a far-leftist cultist that I can think of. Although, in a way, it's actually clever. After all, if you are a heterosexual man (and especially if you are white, which I'm 99.9% sure the author of that comment is), you are on the very bottom of the barrel of the far-leftist SJW cult. You are worth nothing. You are trash. You are worth less than cockroaches and rats. Your position in the cult is that of a subservient slave, a dhimmi . So, if such a person is also himself

"Pro choice" is just an euphemism

I wrote earlier a blog post about how far-leftists appear to have many words and expressions that they don't use literally but euphemistically to refer to something else that, for some reason, they don't want to say outright (which isn't surprising, given how much far-leftists love playing with words). More particularly, how they use (or at least used to use) the word "multicultural" to actually mean "multiracial", and especially nowadays how they use the word "diverse" to mean "non-white". It's sometimes funny how they sometimes reveal they are using them as such euphemisms by sort of Freudian slips, using those terms very explicitly to refer to what they actually mean, making the euphemisms sound completely ridiculous (such as using "diverse" to describe a group of people who look like clones of each other, as mentioned in that blog post.) Well, here's another example: "Pro choice." Some far-leftist &quo

The utter hypocrisy of American public employees and security cameras

I recently watched yet another so-called "First Amendment audit" video where the guy goes to a public library with a camera and almost immediately gets accosted by the staff for filming, telling him that he can't film there, that he can't film people without permission, and how if he doesn't stop they'll trespass him. The auditor says to them "but you are also filming people with your security cameras without asking their permission", to which the staff replies with the same response as they always do to such a challenge, in other words, "those are for our safety". (To which the auditor, rather obviously, replied with "and I'm filming for my safety", to no avail, of course.) This exact same situation, with that exact same answer, happens all the time. Again and again. It's almost like they have been pre-programmed to respond in that manner. But just consider the utter hypocrisy of that situation. They genuinely seem to be