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How communists fooled the public into becoming acceptable

As I have written in a previous blog post, the concept of "communism" (as well as "socialism") should be deemed as abhorrent as, if not even more abhorrent than "nazism". Whenever you hear somebody saying "I am a communist", in all seriousness and with conviction, that should give you an equally strong sense of antipathy and disgust as when you hear somebody saying "I am a nazi", in all seriousness and conviction. During the entire history of communism, no matter which country we are talking about, they have been as bad as and even worse than nazis ever were. Communism is, without a shred of exaggeration, the political ideology that has massacred most people in peace time for political purposes in the entire history of humanity, and by a long shot.

Communism is a completely abhorrent ideology. It's absolutely disgusting murderous ideology that devalues human life and human value. It should be despised and shunned as much as nazism is. There is essentially no difference between the two. Both should be put under the same category of despicable ideas that should be get rid of.

Yet... we have become a world where people are going on national television, to for example talk shows and interviews, and saying with a straight face "I am a communist", in all seriousness, and nobody bats an eye. They don't get even near the same level of disgust as if they had said "I am a nazi".

Denying the nazi holocaust, and whitewashing the nazi concentration camps, is generally deemed abhorrent and a complete despicable insult to the millions of people who were massacred at them. This is deemed so abhorrent that it's even illegal in some countries. Yet there are people whitewashing Soviet gulags, which were equally as bad and abhorrent, and massacred even more people, yet these people receive no negative repercussions for their opinions.

In most countries there exists a "Communist Party", even though such a political party should be considered as abhorrent and despicable as a "Nazi Party".

And the scary thing is that these communist parties are gaining more and more popularity, and are gaining more and more visibility, even though their openly and unashamedly stated goal is the direct destruction of modern western society as it exists. As incredible as it sounds, the majority of the people who belong to and vote for these political parties are exactly the people who would most suffer if such a party gained absolute power (ie. members of the mid-to-upper classes).

But how did this happen? A mere 20 or so years ago communists were considered by far and large a fringe ideology to be ignored, shoved aside and most certainly not voted for. Go a bit farther into the past, closer to the existence of the Soviet Union and East Germany, and communism was more generally considered what it actually is: An abhorrent murderous totalitarian nightmarish ideology that oppresses its people to astonishing lengths.

Yet nowadays communists are openly talking about their ideology, and even getting into TV, and gaining a lot of publicity. How?

There's a kind of adage or maxim among salesmen that in order to sell something, you need to create a need for that something. You need to create the problem that that something (allegedly) is a solution for. Create the problem, and suddenly your "solution" to it will start selling.

As long as western countries have been peaceful, rich and prosperous, people have never felt the need for something to change. If it works, don't fix it. Why change what seems to work just fine? There is no need for a different political ideology because there is nothing to fix.

So how to start selling communism to people? Create the problem for which "communism" is offered as a solution.

This is done via a massive international propaganda campaign: Call everybody a "nazi" and a "white supremacist", and claim that "racism" is rampant everywhere. Keep pounding on and on, constantly, how "white supremacy" and "racism" is everywhere, and the main issue of modern society. Whenever something big happens, such as a terrorist attack by Muslim terrorists, or whatever such crimes are happening, divert attention to the "white supremacists" and "racists", how they are the actual problem of modern society, and in fact the ultimate cause for all those major crimes. Everybody is a "nazi", a "racist" and a "white supremacist", and they exist everywhere, and are the monster in every single closet, and are the main problem in our society. (Not that they can point to many crimes done by these alleged "white supremacists", but that doesn't really matter. Just keep alluding to the numerous crimes that they commit, and people will just believe that they happen. People don't demand evidence. It becomes the truth via repetition.)

And what's the crucial designation for all these alleged "white supremacists", "racists" and so on? The one common thing about them (besides them being white, of course)? They are all "far-right extremists". Watch or read any of this propaganda rhetoric, and it's always the "far right", the "right wing", the people on the right end of the political spectrum. They are the scourge of society, and the source of all problems! (It doesn't really matter that actual "far-right extremists" are an absolutely minuscule fringe minority and hold no political power. They are still numerous and the major problem in our society!)

And what's on the other side of the "far right"? You guessed it: Communism.

Suddenly we have a magical solution to the "far-right extremism" problem that we just created out of thin air.
