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Multiculturalists getting a gruesome taste of their own medicine

One of the most conflicting feelings that people like me can ever get is when extremist multiculturalist social justice activists become the victims of horrendous violence perpetrated by the very people they so much idolize. This is because one part of my brain wants to feel glee, and gloat about it, to say "you get what you deserve". Another, the more rational and moral part of my brain tells me that it's absolutely despicable and immoral to feel glee about someone getting seriously hurt or even killed.

I know it's wrong to gloat about someone getting gruesome violence committed against them, but it's extremely hard to not feel a bit of it, no matter how immoral it may be.

Just a few days ago (as of writing this), a Finnish woman was brutally murdered in her own home. While the police is still investigating the crime, the main suspect is her boyfriend.

As you might guess, this woman was a very open and vocal social justice activist, who was very active both online and in real life. Her twitter feed is stock full of your archetypal extremist SJW tirades, going back years. She was a full-on multiculturalist "intersectional" radical feminist spouting all the SJW rhetoric in the book.

And as you might have also guessed, her boyfriend was an immigrant. And not an immigrant from a country like Sweden or Norway.

Time and again you hear about these things. The more multiculturalist and "feminist" a country is, the more this seems to happen. For example Sweden is rather infamous for these things happening again and again, with reported cases of, for example, female immigrant asylum center workers being raped by the "regugees", and keeping silent about it because they don't want consequences for those "refugees". Or that one mother who kept quiet for months about her boyfriend grooming and raping her daughter, because she didn't want him prosecuted and deported (if I remember correctly, it took an outsider person to notice this and report it to the police, before the mother finally confessed to the police about having known this for a long time but deliberately keeping quiet about it for that very reason.)

You also regularly hear of naive young women who have been so brainwashed into believing that the native people in Africa and the Middle-East are all perfect angelic beings incapable of any wrongdoing, that they go to travel those countries alone, only to get assaulted, raped, kidnapped and in some cases even killed. In many cases these women, quite ironically, went to travel to those countries alone explicitly to "prove" how safe and nice the people there are (which becomes clear from their social media history).

It's hard to not feel a slight sense of glee when it happens, even though one shouldn't be gleeful about people being hurt and killed.
