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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is unwittingly a white supremacist

I wrote in a previous blog post how the feminist activist Thomas Smith was accused by the youtuber Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin of being "a white supremacist with a guilty conscience". This was because the former was saying, essentially, that if everybody is given maximum freedom and equal opportunities, then white men would naturally raise to the top and get all the positions of power (and therefore the only way to stop that from happening is to discriminate against white men and put restrictions and hurdles in their way). Which is just pure white supremacist talk: Given everything else being equal, white men would naturally gain all the top positions, over everybody else.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently gave a speech in the United States congress, when she was interviewing some witness, where she blamed climate change on white people (and argued that non-white people were the ones who suffered the most from it).

She doesn't understand what she's saying.

Unwittingly, what she is saying is that white people are primarily responsible for all the industrial and technological progress in the world, and that non-white people have played little to no part in it. All the technology, the industry, the manufacturing processes, the inventions, the factories, advances in transportation... everything that makes the modern industrial world what it is (including the massive amounts of emissions and pollution that it causes) is thanks to white people, and non-white people have played almost no role in it. Pretty much everything you see and use every day was created because of white people.

That's white supremacist talk. That's white supremacist rhetoric. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is unwittingly spouting it, without even understanding what she's doing.
