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What happens when actual workers organize a massive protest?

For pretty much the entirety of the four years of a certain President of the United States, but especially in 2019, when we saw an absolutely massive escalation, and to a large part in 2020, there were widespread violent "protests" at many places in North America, especially the United States.

At some places these "protests" saw a massive amount of arson, with many buildings being completely destroyed by intentionally started fires, looting, an absolute massive amount of destroyed property (especially windows), physical assaults, and even a couple dozen of homicides, some of them first-degree murders (done 100% for political purposes against random people who were in no way threatening). Estimates on the amount of property damage done during these "protests" is in the billions of US dollars (many estimates put it in the ballpark of 5 billion dollars.) Of course in addition to these major crimes there was plenty of relatively more minor offenses, such as blocking traffic, harassment, and so on.

During all this, the leftist mainstream media did everything in their power to excuse, protect and defend the rioters. Their infamous description of these riots being "mostly peaceful" became a meme and a source of mockery (especially when the term was uttered by a journalist on live TV in front of burning buildings and rioters running in the background.)

The mainstream media, and the far left in general, outright refused to call all this what it actually was: Rioting and terrorism. (And, indeed, it fit the definition of terrorism perfectly: Violence for political purposes.) Nobody tried to find out who these rioters were, or who were funding them. Most egregiously, in most places the police forces just stood by the sidelines, watching it all happen in front of their eyes, doing nothing about it. Even when police precincts and Federal buildings were being attacked, invaded and vandalized, the police refused to do anything about it. They didn't stop it, they didn't try to find out who the culprits were, they didn't try to find out who were funding them.

On the contrary, when Trump called for Federal law enforcement to intervene in Portland, where the riots and vandalism against Federal buildings had been going on non-stop for two months, the left universally condemned that action, calling it "fascism" and him a "dictator".

Contrast this with what has been happening in Canada during the past couple weeks (as of writing this post).

A huge amount of truckers have organized an absolute massive protest against government restrictions and mandates relating to the Covid pandemic. They oppose mandatory vaccine passports and other related restrictions.

As far as I know, not a single window has been broken, not a single fire has been started, not a single piece of property has been destroyed, not a single person has been murdered, assaulted, or even harassed, not a single store has been looted, the protesters are not issuing any kind of threats against anybody, or engaging in any form of violence or vandalism.

Their only crime has been blocking traffic. Something that the left should be pretty familiar with.

These protesters are actually and genuinely peaceful. They are doing nothing but sitting there in their trucks, doing nothing other then refusing to move. They are not what the leftist media calls "mostly peaceful". They are actually peaceful, and they have committed no crime other than blocking traffic. Sure, this is an actual crime, but compared to what the leftist mobs have been doing for almost a decade, it's peanuts in comparison.

Yet they are being called "terrorists" and "nazis" by the left. They are being doxxed, they are being harassed by the police (who are illegally seizing their property), their funding is being actively blocked by officials, their funders are being found out and doxxed and harassed.

Quite curiously, the left has suddenly started caring a lot about people blocking traffic in protest. Like the left has never done such a thing anywhere. Suddenly blocking traffic is now "terrorism" according to the left. It doesn't matter that the protesters haven't committed a single act of violence, or even threatened anybody with violence. They are still "terrorists".

Conversely, the government that's at this very moment (as of writing this) organizing the police to crack down on these "terrorist" protesters is not a fascist police state, according to the left. Suddenly the left is all about the government and the police reigning down on these "terrorists" who are blocking traffic. When Trump tried to do pretty much the same thing, he was widely lambasted as a "dictator" and a "fascist". But when Trudeau is doing it, the left supports him. Because... reasons?

It's funny how the left is calling the truckers "nazis". Apparently demanding the government to lift restrictions and mandates is "nazism" now. Demanding smaller less-intrusive government is "nazism" now. Demanding for more freedom and more personal choice, where the government isn't dictating your life is "nazism" now.
