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The left can't help but to constanly lie about their opponents

The list of "hate crime" hoaxes, especially in the United States, is surprisingly long. In other words, cases of apparent "hate crimes", usually in the form of something extremely (and often suspiciously stereotypically) racist writing against black people appearing somewhere (suspiciously often at a university campus), being actually committed by leftists, most often a black person. And I'm not here referring to alleged hoaxes (ie. the culprit is never found and someone merely claims it was just a hoax). I'm referring to confirmed hoaxes, with very strong evidence (such as direct video evidence, or the direct confession of the perpetrator).

Good luck trying to find these lists in mainstream media, though. But you can find them if you dig enough.

One would think that if there indeed was as much racism and racist incidents in the United States as they claim, they wouldn't need to create their own fake incidents, and they could just point at the real ones. But alas, there seems to be a huge lack of such real incidents. Thus, the need to fabricate them.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The far left is not at all shy to fabricate the problem they claim exists, nor to exaggerate and outright lie to create non-existent problems, and to try to create outrage.

Many years ago there was an incident here in Finland where a grade school teacher told immigrant students that only Finnish was allowed in class. You see, for quite long the immigrant students had been disrupting class by ignoring the lecture and talking among themselves in their own language, so the teacher got fed up with it and told them that only Finnish was allowed in class. (The students did know Finnish, so this wasn't an unreasonable demand in that sense.)

This generated a little bit of outrage among the multiculturalist left and (of course) the mainstream media. Whether it's appropriate to tell such a thing to immigrant students is up to opinion. However, that wasn't the discussion that the left and the mainstream media presented.

What they did, instead, was to lie about what happened. They claimed that, not just the teacher, but the school had forbidden the immigrants students from speaking their own language anywhere in school, at any time, including recess. That's not at all what happened. It was just this one teacher, and the restriction applied only to his class.

Some newspapers issued a small correction afterwards, others didn't.

Rather obviously the far left just loves to lie about things in the United States.

It's curious how they presented the immigrant detention centers at the southern border of the country as if they had been created by the Trump administration, even though they were created by several previous administration (especially during Obama's, which expanded them by a record amount). If I understand correctly, not a single new detention center was built during Trump's administration (I think only budgets were increased somewhat at some point). The "kids in cages" lie was perpetuated so much that it became a meme.

The curious thing about this is that when Biden became president and the situation at the south border actually became exponentially worse, suddenly the left has fallen silent about it. The cared about the "kids in cages" only as long as Trump was president, but now they couldn't give a flying fuck about them.

But one of the latest lies of the far left in the United States is the alleged "book banning" demands of the Republicans. This is yet again one of the things you can see repeated again, and again, and again, and again. For the umpteenth time they are trying to make the lie to be true via sheer repetition, like with so many other of their lies.

The claim is that conservatives want certain books to be banned. (Depending on the leftist, the scope of the ban varies. Sometimes it's just banned from schools, sometimes it's banned from libraries overall, sometimes even banned from the entire country.)

As you might guess or know, that's not at all what those conservatives are demanding. Instead, what those conservative parents want is the removal of certain books from primary school libraries that they deem age inappropriate because they contain content that's too sexually explicit, in some cases outright pornographic. They don't want the books banned at any other level, just removed from grade school libraries, where they are age-inappropriate.

But, of course, in the eyes of the left this "these books are inappropriate for children because of their explicit sexual and even pornographic content, and thus don't belong in a primary school" becomes "book burning". Curiously the leftists who are talking about "book burning" never go into specific details of which books and in which context, and who wants them banned (other than a blanket "conservatives" and "Republicans".)
