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The complicated attitude of SJWs towards Jews

In the late 90's / early 2000's, some critics of far leftist multiculturalism coined the term "ethnopositive existence" to describe the Orwellian doublethink of the then-multiculturalist left (a form of doublethink which, in one form or another, has persisted to this day among the radical left).

"Ethnopositive existence" means that, in the leftist rhetoric, the existence of "races" depends on the situation:

If the existence of different races would somehow put non-white people in a negative light and/or white people in a positive light, or somehow disadvantages (in the eyes of the far left) non-white people, then "race" does not exist and is merely an invention and a fabrication.

If, however, the existence of races somehow puts white people in a negative light and/or non-white people in a positive light, or somehow advantages non-white people (either in rhetoric or in actions), then "race" does exist and is a real thing.

Over the past couple of decades a quite similar self-contradictory double-think has emerged among the far-leftist "social justice" crowd, and that's the question of whether Jewish people are "white" or "people of color", and thus whether Jews can be the victims of racism or not, and whether Jews should be protected or hated.

Again, it depends on which position is more advantageous in whatever is the current context and topic of conversation, or which position grants the most power to the far left:

If considering Jews to be "white" somehow puts white people in a negative light or somehow disadvantages white people (in rhetoric or in actions), or somehow advantages the social justice warrior rhetoric, then Jews are most definitely white and have no protections granted by the social justice protection stack.

Conversely, if considering Jews to be "people of color" puts white people in a negative light or somehow disadvantages white people, or somehow advantages the social justice warrior rhetoric, then Jews are most definitely "people of color" and have (some of) the protections of the social justice protection stack.

The exact same social justice warriors can be more antisemitic than the worst (genuine) neo-nazis out there, or the most anti-antisemism people in the world, depending on the situation. Whatever advantages them most, that's the position they take. Ask the same SJW whether Jews are white people (and thus cannot be the victims of racism) today and you might get a different answer than if you ask tomorrow.

If there's one thing you can be sure about the far-leftist social justice ideology, it's that it has zero consistency and can swing from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye. (And that the hordes of brainwashed drones will just accept these complete changes in position without question or criticism.)
