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Leftist doublethink: Sexualization of women

If there's one characteristic of far-leftist "social justice" ideologues, it's that they will change opinions to the complete opposite at the drop of a hat, if the new opinion is currently trending among the SJW circles. You simply cannot expect consistency from them. Today the general narrative may say one thing, and (sometimes quite literally) tomorrow it may say the exact opposite, and the hordes of brainwashed drones will just accept it and start repeating it without question.

In many cases this wishy-washy always-changing thinking can go so far as for them to quite literally engaging in Orwellian doublethink: Holding two contradictory positions at the same time. Freely expressing one opinion or the contrary opinion at the drop of a hat, at any moment, depending on the situation (or just at random).

There are many examples, but let's talk about a particular one: Their attitude on the "sexualization of women".

Or, more in general, the fact that the far left doesn't seem to be able to make its mind about whether it's sex-positive or sex-negative when it comes to women and how they present themselves.

No better example of this is the quite general attitude among the far left towards "sex workers". Prostitutes, women who engage in pornographic online streams (usually at OnlyFans), and so on and so forth. Many of the most rabid far-leftist "social justice" extremists are completely set on defending "sex workers" and their rights to do what they are doing, and how that "empowers women".

At the same time, the same far-leftist extremists heavily oppose and criticize the depiction of scantily clad sexy women in media, in movies, TV, advertisements, magazines, and so on. Some years ago they opposed this "sexualization of women" so strongly that they successfully bullied the FIA to ban the so-called "gridgirls" from all events. Against the wishes of these gridgirls themselves (who even went so far as to appear in TV interviews telling how they were fired from their jobs against their will.)

It's amazing how the same people can, at the same time, oppose the Formula One gridgirls (and other similar jobs), and support and promote "sex workers", prostitutes, online pornographic streaming, and so on.

They seem completely oblivious to the contradiction. They also seem completely incapable of deciding on what exactly they are supporting or not in this regard.
