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Inconvenient perpetrators of hate crimes, addendum 3

Suppose that a neonazi white supremacist in the United States were to enter the office of a Jewish Democrat mayoral candidate and shoot him with the intent to kill, and after the perpetrator was captured and jailed, he walked out of prison on bail within hours. Moreover, suppose that the bail was paid by some major known Republican conservative organization.

The far left, including the mainstream media, would go absolutely bonkers. It would be wall-to-wall front-cover news coverage, with CNN and MSNBC news anchors crying on live TV about this uprising of racist antisemitic violence, how it's destroying the country and how the racist neonazis are a danger to everybody. There would be riots. Any offices of that Republican organization would be assaulted, vandalized and destroyed. The perpetrator himself, if he's found out, would probably be assaulted and even murdered.

Well, what I described in that first paragraph actually happened... except that it was not a neonazi white supremacist who committed the crime. It was a black BLM activist. And yes, he did enter the office of a Jewish Democrat mayoral candidate and shot to kill. (It wasn't even a Republican candidate. It was a Democrat one.)

The other difference is that it was not some Republican conservative organization that immediately paid his bail. It was the local BLM organization.

As you might guess, the mainstream media, and the left in general, is once again treading on egg shells with this one. They would, once again, have an absolutely juicy story about extreme antisemitism, to the point of a Jewish politician being shot at... but they just can't run the story because the perpetrator is too inconvenient. And the organization that paid his bail is too inconvenient.
