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What will happen if the Democrats win the next US presidential election?

What I envision happening, if the upcoming US presidential election is won by the Democrat candidate, is pretty much exactly what the regressive leftists claimed would happen if Trump won the election four years go.

They predicted that if Trump were to win, that would be taken as a signal by the "racist" conservatives that it's open season for attacking black people and minorities. That violent racist crimes would sky-rocket, that racists would start patrolling the streets beating up and killing any black people they see, that they would start burning their houses down, and the police and authorities would do very little to stop this, as the activity would be fully endorsed by Trump.

Of course none of that happened, no matter how hardly the leftists wished and pretended it had. There was no wave of racist crimes, there were no patrols, there were no beatings and burning of homes, nothing. If anything, racist crimes might have gone down a notch. But of course the leftists don't care, and have been keeping pretending for the past four years that Trump is racist and that racist crimes have escalated (they don't need nor care to show any evidence of this; they just know it's true.)

Ironically, I predict that pretty much exactly the above will happen if the next presidential election is won by the Democrat candidate. It will be taken by the extreme leftist activists as a sign that it's open season for hunting "nazis", and violent crime based on race will sky-rocket. And, once again, the police and the authorities will do very little to stop it.

You just have to look at the current riots to get a small taste of what it will be like.

If you are living in the United States, you can only hope that Trump wins the re-election, if you want your country to retain a semblance of peace and prosperity.
