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California is trying to make racial discrimination legal again

In 1996 California amended the Constitution of the state with a civil rights act that prohibits the state from discriminating against or giving preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. It was modeled after the famous federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was one of the most fundamental cornerstones of American legislation that ended racial segregation, discrimination and "Jim Crow laws" and is one of the most important pieces of legislation in the entire history of the country.

Recently the state legislators of California have made a proposition to repeal this act and remove it from from the California Constitution.

Not amend it, rewrite it, clarify it, add things to it or remove parts of it. If the proposition passes, the entire amendment will be repealed and removed in its entirety, period. With nothing replacing it.

What happened? Did racist deep south redneck ultraconservative confederates take over the Californian government and are now trying to reintroduce racial segregation into the state? Did Donald Trump issue some kind of Executive Order mandating for that constitutional amendment to be repealed? Have neonazi white supremacists succeeded in some kind of covert coup d'état in California?

Nope. This proposition was made by the Democratic Party leaders of the state of California.

That's the American Democratic Party for you. Doing the same thing they have been doing for the past 150+ years. Racial discrimination and segregation.

And then people vote for them.
