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Science is fucked

To really understand how deeply academia and the scientific community has been thoroughly invaded and co-opted by the regressive leftist social justice ideology, consider this recent note from the editors of the magazine Nature:

That's right, the western academia, including many academic journals, are going to "shut down" in order to "help eradicate anti-Black (with a capital B!) racism in academia and STEM" even though academia and STEM are already the most regressive leftist institutions in the entire world.

The entire editorial is astonishing (and cringey) to read, and there are real gems in it, like this amazing piece of cognitive dissonance (emphasis mine):

"Nature stands against all forms of racism. We also recognize that Nature is one of the white institutions that is responsible for bias in research and scholarship"

They stand against ALL forms of racism... and immediately in the next sentence they say "one of the white institutions that is responsible". Not just "one of the institutions". One of the white institutions.

Because, you know, race is so important here, and this institution is classified and judged by the race of its members, but they definitely are not racists.

Of course we already know what the "solution" is to the rampant problem of "racism in academia and STEM": Discrimination based on race. Because that's not racist. Discriminating against people based on race is the opposite of racism. And people who do that are definitely not racists. Because mental gymnastics.

It won't be long before they declare Martin Luther King to have been a racist because he advocated for not judging people based on the color of their skin. Mark my words.
