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The American Republican Party is weak

Already three years ago I wondered in a blog post why the United States police does nothing when witnessing masked terrorists harassing and assaulting people, and committing all kinds of other serious crimes directly in front of the police. I also particularly wondered why the government, the majority-Republican government, does nothing to stop this police corruption. No investigations, no prosecutions, nothing.

Many people, when pointed out to the criminal inaction of the police, will argue "it's the leftist city mayor, or state governor, or other leftist officials, who command the police not to intervene; it's not the police's fault".

Ok, maybe it's the fault of a leftist city or state official. But that just raises the same question: Why isn't the government doing anything about it? I have not heard a single politician in congress demanding an investigation into this kind of corruption and failure to protect citizens by other government officials. (Maybe Trump himself has alluded to it a few times, but nothing has actually been done.)

Now people are rioting on the streets, burning buildings and cars, destroying property, looting, causing who knows how many millions of dollars in damage, assaulting people and even killing people (there have been several dozens deaths directly caused by the rioters). Statues are being torn down. History is being erased. Homes are being invaded and vandalized. Businesses are being invaded, looted and vandalized. Police stations are being invaded and vandalized, and the police officers chased away. Entire city blocks are being converted into lawless "mini-states" and no-go zones.

And what is the government, the Republican government doing to stop all this? What are they doing to protect people's lives and safety, and the safety of their property?

Absolutely nothing. They are just sitting on their asses watching, and doing nothing.

On the contrary, they are just trying to placate to the rioters. Rather than take stern measures to restore law and order, they are just allowing it to happen, cowering down and trying to appease the rioters with empty gestures.

The majority of the American people who vote Republican do so with the expectation that the government will protect them, their safety, their property, and their cultural heritage. The Republican government has completely failed to do this. The country is going down the gutter, and the government is doing nothing about it. It's doing nothing to protect the people who voted them into power. The Republican politicians talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk.

Of course the Democratic Party is even worse, so it's not an option either.

I think the United States is fucked. And alongside it, the entire rest of the western world (because like it or not, the United States is such an integral part of western economy that if it goes down, the entire western world goes down with it.) Not happy times ahead.
