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Leftists in the UK are completely delusional

The United Kingdom has arguably the most far-left morality police in the world. This is a country where if you call someone online with the wrong pronoun, the police will come knocking on your door to lecture you about your wrongthink and, in some cases, even to take to jail (there have been numerous famous cases). Over a thousand such "hate incidents" are investigated by the UK police every year.

This is a country where the police constantly prides itself for being so "inclusive" and so "progressive", constantly virtue-signaling on social media and warning people that they will take all "hate incidents" seriously (even those aimed directly at the police), and who constantly parade in public their "diverse" and "inclusive" police officers from all kinds of cultures and religions.

On a more positive note, this is one of the countries with the least amount of police brutality and police abuse in the world, especially against "minorities". The UK might be at the top of the list, or at least quite close to the top of the list, of the smallest amount of "minority" people dying in police custody, proportionally to the population size of said minorities. In fact (and returning to the more negative side of all this), the UK police is outright scared of doing almost anything to "minorities" for the fear of being called racists (which has resulted in absolutely horrendous failures of duty, most prominently in the form of the police doing absolutely nothing to several massive organized prostitution rings of minors in several UK cities, which had been deliberately ignored for literally decades.)

Yet, the far-left protesters currently in the UK are loudly pushing the narrative of the UK police being deeply racist and police brutality against "minorities" being rampant and commonplace.

These far-leftists are completely delusional. They live in an imaginary world. The statistics do not back their claims up and they don't have even a shred of proof of their claims, yet they still strongly claim it. They are seriously claiming that the UK police, who time and again have demonstrated that they are outright scared of doing anything to black people for the fear of being called racists, are racists and routinely engage in police brutality against black people.

Why lie about this? Why pretend that something like this is happening, when quite clearly it's not?

The reason becomes clear when one realizes what I have been writing again and again and again in this blog: They don't care about "justice" or "equality" or "rights". They care about grabbing and gaining power. This is but just another way in which they are attempting to gain power in society. They don't give a flying fuck whether their claims are true or not. They only care about whether it helps them grab power and control over society. If they have to lie in order to gain power, they will do it in a heartbeat, without a second thought.


  1. I am not black so my thoughts might seem biased but i cant stop thinking that black people living in usa and Europe actually must be Happy and thankful because many African ans middle eastern people rushing to the countries they are living in in s way that sacrificing their lifes sometimes in pursuing this goal. Of course slaving was and is bad but now it is over and if they think calmly they may reach the conclusion that if Western people didn't brought their ancestors from their original countries and assuming they Left in their countries many would not have lived now because of inadequate life standards child deaths or conflicts causing deaths.

  2. George Floyd`s death became a wonderful opportunity for sjw in order to show their power in society. Their power parade shows their influence on media outlets politicians doctors lawyers etc. This will bring more power to them in democratic party as well already sport organizations gave up and surrendered how long it would go i wonder.


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