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Why the social justice warriors are going to win the culture war

For many years I have been, among many other people, writing about how the neo-marxist neo-feminist regressive leftist social justice ideology is going to spread from universities to the rest of society. Most universities, especially in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, but in an increasing manner also in other western countries, have become cult indoctrination and training camps for social justice activists. And these people who go to university and get indoctrinated will one day become our politicians, lawmakers, judges, journalists, company CEO's, and so on and so forth.

In other words, it starts with universities, and spreads from there to the entirety of the rest of society, from the top towards the bottom. (In fact, this kind of "soft invasion" tactic is well known among KGB agents since the 50's and prior.)

Since the average completion time of university studies is between 5 and 8 years, and since this campaign has been going on for at least 20 years, a rather significant portion of the upper echelons of society has already been largely invaded in this manner.

And we can already see this. The mainstream media is 99% social justice warrior invaded. Company after company, and institution after institution, is becoming more and more infiltrated and indoctrinated, with more and more of them openly enacting discriminatory social justice policies (and often virtue-signaling about it). More and more politicians are becoming regressive leftist social justice warriors. The governments of some entire countries have already been largely invaded, from the very top, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

And with such power they are becoming bolder and bolder by the day, and enacting more and more draconian totalitarian policies to gain even more power, limiting and restricting people's rights and freedoms (while, at the same time, welcoming with open arms a totalitarian patriarchal ultra-conservative misogynist homophobic ideology from elsewhere in the world, to come and settle in western societies.)

I hate being such a defeatist, but I see no solution to this. They are going to win, and there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it. The modern western society, as we know it, is fucked. I don't think there is saving it anymore. We can only enjoy the few last years of freedom and peace we still have, before everything collapses. I'm sorry for being such a pessimist, but I just can't see a future.

There are people fighting this, but they are not going to win. The problem is that they are only a few individuals, and they are against an endless army of brainwashed indoctrinated drones.

This is a war of attrition. An individual person cannot fight against an endless army forever. The media will attack them, corporations will attack them, and an endless sea of indoctrinated drones will constantly attack them, wherever they go.

There's just so much that one single person can endure. The regressive leftists, however, don't need such endurance, because their numbers are endless. They have an endless supply of useful brainwashed drones to attack "wrongthinkers" in an endless barrage of wave after wave. Even if some of them get tired of it, it doesn't matter. For every drone that gets tired, two will take its place. There is no end to it. Universities, schools and institutions are creating more and more of these brainless drones, and they will never run out of them.

Their opponents, however, are far and in between. They are just some individual people, against an army. They cannot fight it forever. They will get tired, they will get stressed, their voice will be drowned by propaganda and violence. If this cultural war goes on for long enough, they may well even be murdered, literally.

This is attrition warfare, and they have significantly more brainless drones. Their supplies will never end.

It can only end in complete economic collapse, in which case a different ideology, the one they are welcoming with open arms, will take over. The social justice warriors will have to either submit to that ideology, or be killed by it. And they will still welcome it with open arms, even when being thrown off rooftops.


  1. They will win many battles but in the long run will lose the war. They will completely disappear. Muslims will over several centuries will simply breed them out of existence. The left is far more concerned with abortion than the right as single women are the left's primary supporters, they need women to stay single. That leaves single women’s maternal instincts open to hijacking redirecting it to the left’s political causes. This is the lefts primary hack, humans are hackable, but it leads to very low birthrates and nihilism. Look at the Episcopal church with its rapidly falling numbers, its dissolution is math certainty.

    The radical left is a small minority. See Nassim Taleb - the tyranny of the minority where the most intolerant wins.

    This SJW religion is not going to go in a straight line into the future. Most mainstream narratives about the future make it look like the present, this is because that can be understood by the masses in their current frame. But the future is always very different from the past. I think the SJW religion is unstable and brittle. It won’t last. War may sharply change this and rapidly end globalism. Like in 1914 everyone though it would be another minor incident that would resolve itself. In the American Civil War people tried to picnic on at the first battles, they had no idea what was about to happen. It seems common that few see these major shifts ahead of time.
    I look to WWI as they doubled down over and over making catastrophic mistake after mistake. The end of that was 1945. When you look at SJW’s and their dysfunctional divorced from reality thinking, they could create a real catastrophe if given the chance.


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