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The Social Justice doctrine of a black woman in Asia

Other commentators have already dealt with this rather cringeworthy and quite revealing Huffington Post article, but I would like to write a comment myself on one part of it:

I'm A Black Woman Living In Asia. This Is What It's Like To Date.

The entire article is, from start to finish, nothing but regressive leftist social justice rhetoric that's absolutely obsessed with race, race, race and... did I mention race? The religion of the regressive left. Like with so many social justice activists, the writer seems to be incapable of thinking of anything else than race, in everything, everywhere, all the time.

There's much to comment on that article, but let me concentrate on one single paragraph:
When it comes to my life in Asia, I’ve never really felt as if there was a systemic or historical agenda against me or people with my skin color. But while I may not have to worry about police brutality, I have seen job postings that contain phrases like “white teacher only,” or “Obama skin teacher okay.”
This single paragraph, these two consecutive sentences, are just amazing. She is quite literally saying that she doesn't see any systemic racism in Asia, and in the very next sentence she's giving examples of systemic racism.

What is "systemic racism" other than racial prejudice or discrimination that's deeply entrenched into the culture and society in such a manner that such discrimination is openly and blatantly used eg. in hiring, and is considered so normal that you can even see job position adverts with "whites only" requirements?

In contrast, she's implying that there is systemic racism in America because... she "has to worry about police brutality". Not that she has ever experienced police brutality (surely she would have mentioned it if she had). There mere fact that she has to "worry" about it, that she's paranoid about it, seems to be an indication that there's "systemic racism" in America. But job adverts with "whites only" requirements being completely normal in Asian society is, somehow, not systemic racism.

Imagine if such job adverts were published in the United States. Imagine the shitstorm that would ensue. Imagine the lawsuits. In the country that allegedly has "systemic racism".

And no, she does not go on to give a reason why she thinks it's not systemic racism, to give some kind of argument or rationalization. She just states that she has "never really felt" there is systemic racism, gives examples of quite blatant systemic racism... and leaves it at that, and moves to other topics. She never explains this apparent contradiction. She just states these counter-examples... and doesn't even try to explain them away.

What's happening here is that she's spouting social justice doctrine.

The doctrine states that there is "systemic racism" in the United States. The doctrine also states that only white people can be racist. Therefore the logical conclusion of this doctrine is that in non-white countries, such as Asian countries, there cannot be systemic racism. This doctrine is the Holy Truth, and cannot be shaken no matter how many counter-examples she experiences and witnesses first-hand. It doesn't even need an explanation because it's simply The Truth. You don't need to question or explain it.
