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The majority of Americans are Christian in name only

According to polls, approximately 85 to 90 percent of Americans consider themselves Christian. Approximately 80% of Americans think that the Bible is either directly the words of God, or inspired by God.

Yet surprisingly few of these people actually own a Bible, or has ever read one. Even fewer know almost anything of what the Bible says, apart from a very cursory knowledge of a few passages taught at Sunday school.

You could make up vaguely biblical-sounding passages, which aren't actually in the book (or anything even close), fake passages that anybody with even a modicum of knowledge of the book would quickly recognize as fake, and ask random people, who think of themselves as Christians, if these are passages from the Bible, and many would probably say yes. (Conversely, there are many passages that are in the Bible, but which many of these people would probably guess are not, if the question is posed as "which of these passages are from the Bible and which are made up?")

Moreover, there are many things that many of these people think are in the Bible that are not, or are quite different than they think. They just have extremely little knowledge of the book, even when they think that it's their holiest book, and literally the word of God.

This post isn't about Christianity itself, or the Bible, but about the hypocrisy of these Americans. Some of them are extremely prejudiced against people who aren't Christians, eg. atheists, and at some places may even be quite hostile against them. Yet they themselves don't know almost anything of their own holy book, which they claim is the cornerstone of their religious beliefs.


  1. hey have you seen what is america show by Sacha Baron? the law man who obeys orders to intimidate ISIS terrorists by his buttocks? and he cons gun advocates including congress men for a kinderguardians program. =)


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