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Social justice is the strangest form of totalitarianism

One thing that's characteristic of totalitarian regimes, be they fascist, communist, or whatever, is that the oppression and totalitarian control always comes from the government, which has an iron grip on all aspects of society.

There is no freedom of the press because the government tightly controls all media, and quickly and severely punishes any media corporation or individual reporter who steps out of the line and publishes something that goes against the narrative of the regime. The press is forced by the government to engage in a constant propaganda campaign for the regime, and against all opponents and criticism. The press has no choice but to engage in this propaganda.

All corporations and companies, such as manufacturing corporations, or corporations offering some kind of public service, are likewise tightly controlled by the government, and likewise quickly punished if they step out of the line. The government controls and owns everything, and allows no dissent. Like the press, workplaces will often be forced to engage in governmental propaganda, targeted at the workers. The workers must constantly be reminded how good the government is, and to vilify and hate any differing ideologies and dissenters.

The modern social justice ideology has a lot in common with these fascist/communist totalitarian regimes. It seeks to control everything, every aspect of society, it seeks to infiltrate everything, it seeks to control and restrict all freedoms, starting from freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and it seeks to punish all dissent, and vilify, demonize, dehumanize and hate all other ideologies and dissenters.

However, there is one thing that makes it quite different from those totalitarian regimes: The government doesn't need to force the press nor corporations to censor themselves, it doesn't need to force them into becoming loudspeakers for the ideology, to become propaganda machines, to enact the ideology onto people, and to punish dissenters. For some strange reason, the press and corporations are willingly doing it all by themselves, often even at the expense of their own income and wealth.

The western press, at large, has become a one-sided biased propaganda machine. It will willingly and deliberately censor itself, vilify and dehumanize dissent, fabricate stories for propaganda purposes, and push the narrative of the social justice ideology no matter what. It has become so bad that nowadays you can't trust almost anything that the press publishes, especially if it has something even remotely to do with politics. It has become so bad that if you assume by default that a published story is at the very least distorted or exaggerated, if not outright a fabrication, you would probably be right most of the time.

And nobody needed to force the press at large to become like this.

Likewise corporation after corporation is embracing the social justice cult ideology, and becoming more and more totalitarian towards their employees and even their customers, oftentimes even at the expense of their own income and reputation. For example, corporation and corporation is starting to punish their own customers for expressing the "wrong" opinions online, eg. by banning those customers from the services provided by the corporation.

It's even becoming more and more common that these corporations are thus punishing their own customers even if those expressions of opinion where written somewhere completely unrelated to the corporation (ie. not using any of the services or resources provided by the corporation), and even if the opinion had absolutely nothing to do with the corporation in question, or anything it has done.

More and more corporations are starting to implement a snitching ratting report mechanism by which people can report to the corporation any wrongthink that some customer of said corporation has engaged in, so that the corporation can then "investigate" the incident and punish the customer in question. In the exact same way as has been in all totalitarian regimes, like in East Germany. And, as said, in an increasing manner this wrongthink doesn't even need to be expressed using the services provided by the corporation. It's enough for it to have been expressed in some completely unrelated forum or social media service. And this seems to be only becoming more and more common as time passes.

And, once again, nobody needed to force these corporations to do this. They are doing it willingly on their own accord.

Of course it doesn't exactly help that even governments, one after another, are starting to erode people's freedoms, one after one, in an ever increasing manner. It seems like governments, corporations and the press are working in unison to create a world-wide totalitarian regime.

Why is this happening? Well, I have been saying for years that it starts from universities. Somehow university after university has become a neo-marxist social justice indoctrination camp, and the people who go to these universities will eventually become politicians, representatives, judges, CEO's, and so on and so forth.

Well, it's happening before our very eyes. It's not just hypothetical. It's happening.

My only hope is that my country will become one of the last to be converted into this totalitarianism, and eventually destroyed. Maybe I will have a decade or two of relatively peaceful existence before everything collapses. Maybe.
