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Why I oppose progressive feminism

Here is a concise statement of why I oppose progressive feminism.

Progressive feminism seeks to silence, censor, ban, stifle and criminalize dissenting opinions and criticism, and opinions and views that feminists do not like. This goes blatantly against the constitution of basically any country that has a constitution, and against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 19).

Progressive feminism seeks to hinder and stop people from peacefully assembling in order to discuss views and opinions that feminists do not like. This goes blatantly against most constitutions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (articles 19 and 20.1).

Progressive feminism seeks to reverse the burden of proof with certain crimes (in other words, it seeks for the accused to be considered guilty by default, and the burden of proving his innocence to fall on the accused.) This goes blatantly against the most fundamental principles of our justice system, against most constitutions, and against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 11.1).

Progressive feminism divides people into groups based on things like gender, race and sexual orientation, and assigns privileges, rights and responsibilities differently to people based on which group they belong to, completely disregarding personal merit and achievements. (As an example, progressive feminism promotes the existence of what they call "cultural appropriation." With this feminists give more or less rights to people based on, for example, their race, completely disregarding personal merit. In other words, if a person belongs to a certain race, that person is automatically entitled to certain things, like certain cultural norms, while people of a different race are not.) Assigning different privileges, rights, limitations and responsibilities to people based on things like race and gender is textbook racism and sexism, against most constitutions, and against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (articles 2, 7 and 27.1).

Progressive feminism seeks to reinstate gender and racial segregation (in the form of what they call "safe spaces" based on gender and/or race). This goes blatantly against the law and constitution of most countries, and against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (articles 2, 13.1, and others).

Progressive feminism endorses hiring quotas, favoritism and discrimination in hiring based on things like gender, race and sexual orientation. This includes hiring policies at entities like private companies, university staff, and the government. This is textbook racism and sexism, and goes blatantly against most constitutions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (articles 2, 7, 21.1, 23.1, and others).

For these reasons, among others, I cannot in good conscience support, endorse or promote progressive feminism. On the contrary, I oppose it vehemently and on principle.

I do understand that not all feminists, not even progressive ones, endorse all of the above. However, the ones with the most influence and power in our society do, the ones with the power to do the most damage, which is why I cannot support the movement as a whole, and have to oppose it on principle.
