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Twitter is a cesspool, addendum

Some months ago I wrote a blog post about how, out of curiosity, I checked the Twitter feeds of people who had responded to some (100% non-political) tweet about some computer stuff, and deliberately avoided the feeds of any users that had pronouns in their Twitter bios (which can be seen when hovering people's Twitter handle at the top of their posts), or anything else even remotely political. In other words, only people with 100% neutral Twitter bios. I checked something like a dozen people, and in only one case it was someone who hadn't a single political tweet. Every single one of the other people's twitter feeds were stock full of political posts. Many of these feeds were absolutely vile and toxic.

Recently, for some unfathomable reason, perhaps out of morbid curiosity, or because I have gone insane, I decided to cross the line and actually check some Twitter feeds of people who do have pronouns in their bios. Not only that, but whose bios are completely toxic all in themselves.

In fact, while checking for such bios, I came up with a sort of hypothesis on how to categorize people in terms of their political toxicity based on their Twitter bios. Something like this:

Level 1: An otherwise completely neutral and normal Twitter bio (eg. listing professions and hobbies), but has pronouns (but no other indication of political activism). Could be a full-on SJW, but more likely to be a left-leaning "ally" or someone who has been indoctrinated into it at university or elsewhere. Might or might not be insufferable in real life.

Level 2: In addition to an otherwise neutral and normal bio, and besides pronouns, there's one or two words, or a symbol (like a flag symbol), that indicate political activism, such as "feminism" or "blm". A lot more likely to be an active political activist, frequenting other activists' twitter feeds, commenting on them, and even tweeting about politics themselves. A lot more likely to be insufferable in real life, although might not be constantly bringing politics into an unrelated discussion unprompted.

Level 3: The majority of the bio, even all of it, is nothing but social justice warrior buzzwords. If there are any neutral parts (such as job or hobbies), they will form a minority of the bio and be more like a side note (ie. the exact reverse of level 1.) Extremely likely that the twitter feed is almost nothing but political activism, and extremely likely for it to be mostly braindead and toxic. Almost 100% certain to be an insufferable person in real life who cannot shut up about politics even in situations that have nothing to do with it.

Level 4: Then there are the bios that go a step beyond level 3. Bios that outright state, loudly and clearly, that the person is an insufferable zealot and bigot, whose entire life is dedicated to nothing but absolute extreme far-left politics and the utter destruction of society. Like this example:

Against my better judgment, I decided to gaze into the abyss and check her twitter feed. (Yes, it's a woman; I will not submit to her attempt at compelled speech, because I do not respect racist fascist totalitarian bigots.) As said, morbid curiosity or perhaps temporary insanity.

And yes, her twitter feed is an absolutely toxic cesspool of the worst kind. The kind that kills brain cells just gazing at it. Thousands and thousands of tweets and retweets and comments on the absolutely most idiotic and oftentime despicable extreme far-leftist rhetoric, over and over and over. An endless stream of absolute far-leftist madness. And absolutely nothing but toxic far-leftist rhetoric. Not a single tweet, not one, about something else.

I kid you not, this is, by a country mile, the least toxic tweet that I stumbled across that twitter feed. It's also hilarious:

I have seen some tweets of that "Jessica Price" before, she is a long-time far-leftist social justice activist, and she is being serious here. She argues that the "western love for minimalism and elegance and simplicity as taste" is "white supremacy". Because of course it is. Everything is.

She might be only half-joking when she says that the "white supremacist prejudices" are built into the AI that recolored that picture and made it blander-colored. However, I wouldn't be in any way surprised if she's being 100% serious. In the past few years all social justice warriors have been indoctrinated into seeing "white supremacy" in everything. Absolutely everything.

(I find it curious how everything, and I mean everything, that may be seen as typical to western society and culture, real or just claimed, no matter how innocuous, how normal, how like similar customs and tastes in other cultures, is "white supremacy". If it's somehow prevalent or liked by western cultures, it's automatically "white supremacy". They can always come up with some rationale, no matter how tenuous and contrived, why it's "white supremacy".)
