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Antifa is an actual bona fide international terrorist organization

There's an adage recited in the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects that goes like: "The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" (which is based on a similar line written by the author Charles Baudelaire in 1864, although that too may be based on similar earlier adages).

This sentiment could be applied to the international group of people who call themselves "Antifa". One could arguably adapt the sentiment as: "The greatest trick that Antifa pulled was convincing the world that it isn't actually an organization."

Indeed, whenever the leftist mainstream media, politicians or other influencers want to defend the group against accusations of organized terrorism, they will often argue that it can't be a "terrorist organization" because it's not an organization at all.

Of course this is just playing with semantics. And the fact is that not only is Antifa a terrorist organization, it's a very organized terrorist organization with branches, connections and communication channels all over the world.

During the summer of 2020 Antifa protesters rioted in Portland, Oregon, every single night, without fail, for over 2 months straight. Seven days a week, for over two months straight. Since then the rioting has not been daily, but has continued at a quite regular pace for over half a year now (intensifying during the past month or two).

One could ask: How exactly can these people riot all night long, every single night, for over two months straight? They have to eat. They have to pay rent. Where are they getting the money to do that? Most certainly they cannot have a normal dayjob if they are just rioting every single night, all night long. Where are they getting the money to survive and live, to buy groceries and pay rent?

And that would be a great question. A few of them might have rich parents (ironically enough) who are completely oblivious and keep sending their son or daughter free money. Some of them might have some kind of scholarship in a nearby college with which they can afford doing nothing to earn their living.

But those would be a quite small minority.

The fact is that they get funded to riot. They are professional rioters, in that they get money to riot. They make a living out of rioting.

The fact is that the international terrorist organization that's Antifa has their channels to collect money from many sources, such as donations made by brainwashed social justice warriors, and donations made by companies who think they are donating to something else, ie. they are being defrauded of their money, and so on and so forth. There are also very rich people who deliberately and intentionally fund Antifa activity. All this money gets distributed to Antifa cells all over the world, especially the United States, to fund their rioting. The rioters live off this money that is sent to them, so they don't have to go to work or get other sources of income. In other words, they are 100% 24/7 professional rioters.

And because the rioting and violence is done 100% for political reasons, that makes them by definition professional terrorists.

But their greatest trick, which they have succeeded in pulling off, is to convince the world that they are not an international terrorist organization. Which means that governments won't interfere, won't fight them, won't dismantle the organization and arrest the criminals belonging to them.

The fact is that Antifa are terrorists, 100%, through and through, beyond even the shadow of doubt. There's no ifs, buts or maybes.

Terrorists who nobody does anything about.
