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Twitter is a cesspool

I don't have a Twitter account (never have), and I pretty much never read anything there, unless once in a blue moon someone directly links to a particular tweet.

Recently I followed such a link and I got curious about something. The tweet was about some technical computer software thing, completely unrelated to politics or anything, and it had like a couple dozen of replies. I got the idea of checking the twitter feeds of different people who had responded to that twitter post, just to see what the average twitter topics are from people interested in such technical matters.

I deliberately avoided all twitter feeds of people with pronouns in their bios (when you hover the twitter handle of someone it shows as a tooltip a short bio of that person, and it has become a form of activism and virtue-signaling to put one's "preferred pronouns" there), or anything in the bio that would indicate any sort of political activism. I clicked only on the twitter handles of people who had extremely neutral bios, with no indication whatsoever that they would be political activists.

From the about a dozen of people whose twitter feeds I checked, only one had not posted anything political at least for months. One.

Every single one of the other ones had a twitter feed that was either stock full of tweet after tweet of political activism, or in a couple of cases at least some tweets dedicated to that.

From all of those, only one person was clearly an American conservative. All the others were either full-on far-leftist social justice warriors, or at least fond of retweeting messages of other SJWs. A bunch of them seemed to be absolutely obsessed with the coronavirus pandemic, with the vast majority of their tweets (usually several per day) dedicated to that subject.

And as you might guess, all of the political feeds (including the one that was conservative) were of a level that kills braincells when you try to read them.

And, once again, these were all people who did not have pronouns in their bios (or any other indication of them being political activists). I didn't even bother checking the twitter feeds of those who did. I can only imagine how toxic those would have been.

Only one person that I checked had a neutral and rational feed, with tweets related to computer programming and such.

From what I saw, Twitter is an absolute cesspool of toxicity. I got the urge to vomit just reading those feeds.

Why does anybody even visit that site, I cannot understand. It's just pure insanity, left and right.
