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How to destroy a nation, step-by-step guide

The modern "social justice" neo-Marxist ideology has been on a path to destroy western nations one by one, from the inside, and they are being astonishingly effective.

But how? Here's a step-by-step guide.

The main tactic to do this, without firing a single shot or driving a single tank or detonating a single bomb, is to use the divide and conquer tactic. As the saying goes, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." This is achieved in many diverse ways:

Destroy the sense of national identity, culture and history.

A nation is strong when its people have a lot of things in common, a common past, a common history, a common culture, a common set of ideals, customs, traditions and views. A shared past is a source of camaraderie and a motivation to work together and to help each other, to make society thrive.

Thus, one of the cornerstones of destroying a nation from within is to destroy this common history and common culture. Vilify it, demonize it, make the people of the nation hate and despise their own past and their own culture, and to want to denounce and distance themselves from it.

When people do not share a common past nor a common culture, they are less likely to empathize with each other, help each other, and work together for a better society and future. This helps ingraining the rest of the tactics below into the society and into its people.

Demonize unity and homogeinity, exalt diversity.

Related to above, the more people are like each other, look like each other, think like each other, have the same values, ideals and opinions as each other, like the same things, and do the same things, the more likely they are to be amicable to each other, to understand each other, to agree with each other, to work together, to help each other, without prejudice, suspicion and animosity.

The more diverse the nation is, however, the more different incompatible cultures, ideologies, ideals and customs there are, the more divided the nation becomes. The more there will be distrust, prejudice and schisms. People will less likely understand and agree with each other, and people will become jealous or resentful of each other, and prejudiced against each other due to that. When some people see a particular trait of a different culture as destructive or detrimental, they will be prejudiced against the people of that culture, and will be less likely to trust them and to want to work together.

The best way to achieve this situation is to convince the population that homogeinity and unity are absolutely vile and abhorrent, and that cultural and racial diversity are a blessing. This can be done by repeating over and over mantras like "diversity is strength". No explanation or rationale need to be given, just the claim alone is enough.

This is the tactic of The Big Lie: Repeat the same lie over and over enough times, and people will start believing it, because eventually they will have not heard anything else, and don't know of anything else. "How else could it be?" When they don't know, they can't critique.

Import massive amounts of foreigners into the country.

Rather obviously, the best way to achieve the previous situation is to bring those other cultures into the country, in as massive amounts as possible. Convince the native population that bringing as many foreign cultures into the country as possible is not only a good and beneficial thing, but moreover not doing that is abhorrent, destructive and basically a completely unthinkable thing. The people of the nation will start thinking of massive immigration as normal and necessary, and even the thought of that not happening will start sound scary and unthinkable.

Rather obviously, the more different those foreign cultures are, the more incompatible they are with the native culture, the more that it clashes with the values and ideals of the native culture, the better. The immigrants can never be people indistinguishable in appearance and culture from the native population. They must be as different, and their culture must be as incompatible, as is humanly possible.

Rather obviously, demonize and vilify the people who would protest or criticize this. Explanations and rationale are not needed, only demonization and vilification. You are a horrible person if you disagree with this. No need to explain why.

Emasculate all the men in the nation.

Men are the defense force of a nation. They are physically stronger, have more stamina, and are on average more stoic (and thus will less likely suffer from emotional breakdowns and panic in the face of danger and stress). During the entire history of humanity men have defended villages, cities and nations, even at the expense of their own lives, because they are the physically stronger and the more expendable sex. (Men dying in large numbers eg. because of war is significantly less impactful for the survival of a society than women dying in large numbers. One man can father dozens of children at the same time, but one woman can only create one or two children per year. This makes men the more expendable sex.)

In order to weaken a nation and deteriorate its defense forces, its men must be emasculated. Convince the people that masculinity is a horrendous, despicable and vile thing that has to be get rid of. Men must behave in a more feminine and fragile manner. Men must not be stoic, but instead suffer from emotional breakdowns, trauma and incapacitating fear.

If possible, castrate as many men as possible. The younger the age of the castrated the better, because castration stunts growth and makes a man significantly less masculine.

Demonize, vilify and dehumanize half the nation.

What better way to divide a nation (and thus making conquering easier) than making one half of the population absolutely hate, detest, abhor and be completely disgusted by the other half of the population? What better way to stop cooperation and unity? Make them hate the other half so much that they'd rather die than cooperate with the other side. Make one half of the nation seriously be of the opinion that the other half are not even fully human and should be imprisoned or even exterminated.

This is the absolute pinnacle of "a house divided against itself cannot stand". One of the strongest manifestations of that sentiment.

Destroy the nation's defense forces, ie. police and military.

All the ideas about diversity and emasculation at the national level should be put into effect even more so at the defense forces level. If you weaken the defense forces of a nation, you will have significantly weakened the nation itself.

Vilify and demonize the police forces and the military. Cut their budgets. Demand "diversity" and quotas. Emasculate the officers and soldiers. Put women on the front lines and on the streets. Advocate for lawlessness, disorder, chaos, rioting and violence. Oppose law and order, and law enforcement.

Take over all the nation's universities.

Universities are the cradles of human civilization, technology, well-being and progress. Universities are the fountains of knowledge and advancement of humanity. Universities are largely responsible for all the advances of humanity and society, technologically and otherwise. What universities create and do affects the entire nation, and the world.

Universities can create nations. Thus, on the flipside, universities can also destroy nations. If universities are poisoned by a destructive sociopolitical ideology, this poison will eventually spread to the entirety of the rest of society. Politicians, parliamentary representatives, heads of state, lawyers, judges, professors, teachers, doctors, CEOs, journalists, media moguls... all come from universities.

Thus, poison the students, and eventually you will have poisoned all of the influential people in society, and through them, the entirety of society.

This is extraordinarily effective also because universities are almost untouchable. There is no force in western civilization that would do anything to universities and its staff. Universities are pretty much effectively protected. Nobody will ever go to the root of the poison and stop it from spreading.
