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The "abolish the police" crowd doesn't even understand what it means

Some time ago there was a viral video making the rounds of some protesters marching for abolishing the police. In the video, a car passes by and apparently the driver makes some threatening remarks to some of the protesters, who start saying "call the police".

From the expressions and the tone of voice of these people it's quite clear that they are actually being serious. In other words, it doesn't sound like they are, like, saying it ironically, or with the meaning of "let's use their own weapons against themselves". They sound completely genuine, and their facial expressions and demeanor look like they are being completely genuine, being worried about their safety and instinctively telling each other to call the police to help them against this potential assailant.

I get the impression that the average brainwashed social justice drone doesn't even fully comprehend what she's actually advocating for when she goes out there to shout "abolish the police!" at the top of her lungs, or write a tweet about it. There seems to be a comprehension problem. A disconnect in their brains between the notion of abolishing the police, and the notion of getting help from the police when they are in need.

This isn't an isolated instance either. Speaking of tweets, this blue checkmark tweeted recently this:

The funny thing is that this person also seems to have a notional disconnect between the idea of advocating the abolishment of the police, and getting the police to help her when she is in need, as she had not so long ago also tweeted this:

As mentioned, I get the strong impression that these brainwashed drones just can't make the connection in their heads between the two things. They act as if the two things were completely distinct and separate, not connected to each other in any way. They consider it completely normal and instinctive to go to the police when they are in danger, even while at the same time advocating for the abolition of the police, and they can't seem to comprehend the cognitive dissonance between these two things.

It's like when the far-leftist rioters target their property, their stores, their homes. Their brain just cannot comprehend how this is possible, given that they are on the right side, on the good side. They get completely shocked when it happens to them.

Except that in this case the cognitive dissonance is a hundred times worse.
