In the first farcical impeachment of Donald Trump by the kangaroo court that the House of Commons has become, 100% of Republican senators in the trial proper in the Senate voted not guilty.
In the second, even more farcical impeachment, seven Republican senators voted guilty, even though it's absolutely clear to everybody that this is nothing more than political persecution, a baseless witch hunt by a political party that has been set on removing Trump from office for the entirety of the four years he was there.
But why? Why would these seven Republican senators vote guilty? Of course I have no way of knowing their actual motivation or thinking, but I can guess.
This is my hypothesis: They voted guilty because they are scared. Plain and simple.
They have seen what the United States government has become: The House of Representatives and the Senate, the legislative branch, has become majority far-leftist Democrat. The executive branch of the government, including the White House and the Federal law enforcement, is completely far-leftist Democrat. Even the judiciary branch has become far-leftist, and is most likely to become even more so in the very near future. The Democratic Party of the United States is doing its hardest to make the country a single-party totalitarian regime where dissent is squashed and persecuted.
Not only that, but they have announced quite clearly and unambiguously their plan to persecute all of the Republicans out of the government. They are on a witch hunt for Trump today. The Republican senators are next on the chopping block. The Democrats are going to go on a witch hunt against them.
That's why these seven senators, I hypothesize, were so scared that they tried to appease the Democrats. They are essentially trying to make amends, trying to become subservient to the Democrats. Trying to essentially say "hey, don't attack me next, I'm on your side."
In other words, they are just spineless cowards who abandoned their principles and the people who voted them to the Senate, and are just trying to save their careers and lives, rather than stand for what they believe.
Of course the problem for them is that there is no appeasing the far left. There is no negotiating. There is no making amends nor paying tribute. They are Republicans, and thus from the perspective of the Democrats they are the enemy. An enemy that must be purged. Their empty and transparent gesture will not appease anybody.
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