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The violence and racism of the far left is extremely dangerous

A mere 10 years ago far-leftist extremists, mainly at university campuses, restricted their actions to blocking your path, disrupting events they didn't like with loud noises, and pulling fire alarms.

As the university staff became more and more leftist and more and more radicalized, and thus not only allowed but in fact encouraged this kind of activism, the activist students quite quickly became bolder and bolder.

Quite soon their "blocking your path" became increasingly passive-aggressive, and then increasingly outright violent. They stopped trying to disrupt events by merely making noise on the outside and started storming the stage, completely shutting down the event (while the university security personnel simply watched from the sidelines doing nothing, because the university staff had explicitly commanded them not to intervene).

Quite quickly this escalated to outright violence, rioting, vandalism, destruction of property and arson, merely because a persona non grata was coming to the campus to give a speech.

As time and again they got away with it, and were in fact endorsed and encouraged by the university higher-ups, they became bolder and bolder. Violence against property quite quickly turned into violence against people. Direct physical assault. Physical violence against dissenters not only became normalized, but in fact it has become outright incitement to violence.

Indeed, in many universities, especially in the United States, not only is it now considered desirable to "punch a Nazi", but moreover students are being shamed if they haven't "punched a Nazi", mostly by other students. Not only has it become acceptable, it has become the moral duty of every single student. If you haven't "punched a Nazi" then that's shameful and you are not good enough.

Physical violence, especially for mere expression of opinions, even against actual bona fide neonazis (those who actually admire Hitler and the Nazi regime, who are holocaust-deniers and are fundamentalist anti-semites who believe in a world-wide conspiracy carried out by Jews) is wrong. However, the major problem is that the far-leftist definition of "Nazi" is not limited to those people. If it were, then the target of this violence, while wrong, would be limited to perhaps a few thousands of people, some tens of thousands at most. The problem is, however, that their definition of "Nazi" is pretty much everybody who disagrees with their ideology. Every person who voted for Trump is a "Nazi". Every person who criticizes their far-leftist ideology is a "Nazi". Every person who makes an inappropriate joke is a "Nazi". That means that in the United States alone there are like a hundred million of "Nazis" from their perspective. Even more.

These university students, and at increasing numbers more and more people outside, are being indoctrinated into committing physical violence towards something like half the population of the country. Not only in the United States, but at an increasing rate in many other countries as well.

The scary thing is that direct incitement to violence is illegal in most countries (including the United States), yet nothing is done about it. When university students are being directly instructed to "punch a Nazi" and shamed if they haven't done so already, that's direct unambiguous incitement to violence, which is illegal. Yet nothing is being done about it.

It simply cannot be stressed enough how extraordinarily dangerous this is. The indoctrination and the incitement to violence is escalating more and more every single day. We see this escalation happening before our very eyes. People are being assaulted at an ever-increasing rate, and already literally billions of dollars of property damage is being regularly committed. While the actual death toll directly caused by this political violence has yet to raise to significant levels, it's already in the several dozens, and it's only a matter of time before it starts raising rapidly.

Moreover, the open blatant racism of the far left has emboldened and escalated alongside the normalization of and incitement to violence. Claims that "all white people are racist, every single one of them" was seen as a completely ridiculous fringe extremist opinion a mere ten years ago. Nowadays it's being repeated over and over in all seriousness, not just by some individual nobodies on Twitter, but by famous academics, influencers and journalists, even politicians, in articles, papers, videos, dossiers, teaching material and interviews. Heck, entire books have been written and are being sold at major retailers about this very subject.

The denigration, defamation, insults, dehumanization, demonization and vilification of white people, all white people, for the sole reason that they are white, has become commonplace and ubiquitous. It has gone well beyond a mere "all white people are privileged because they are white" to outright dehumanization of all white people. The narrative has escalated and words and definitions have been twisted in such a manner that every single white person in the entire world is "racist", no matter who they are, what they think or what they do, no matter what. In other words, every single white person is a despicable human being, a despicable "racist", no matter what, completely regardless of anything, based on nothing more than the skin pigmentation.

The sociopolitical attack on white people, all white people, is escalating by the month. Recently, for example, an employee of the Coca Cola company leaked screenshots of some internal educational video about how all white people are racist, how "whiteness" is the scourge of the Earth and, believe it or not, steps for white people to take to "be less white". That's right, not just "be less racist", or even "get rid of 'whiteness'", but outright "be less white". The racist narrative has escalated so much that now merely "being white" is an abhorrent despicable thing to get rid of.

And the racist narrative has become more and more common. If you eg. search on Twitter for "I hate white people" you'll find tons and tons of results. Obviously Twitter doesn't do anything to these people even though they are blatantly breaking Twitter's own rules.

And it's not only Twitter. The scary thing is that nobody is doing absolutely anything about this. On the contrary, if anybody objects to this kind of racist rhetoric, it will be him who will be shunned, attacked and vilified.

When you dehumanize, demonize and vilify an entire group of people (completely regardless of what the particular characteristic is that you are grouping these people by), and do it at this scale, and it escalates more and more over time, it's not going to end well. When you indoctrinate a large portion of the population to absolutely hate, detest and loathe another large portion of the population, it's not going to end well. We have seen time and again from history what this leads to.

All the signs of a catastrophe are there, in plain sight, and nothing is being done about it. This is not going to end well.

They talk about "denazification". In fact, what's needed is "de-leftification". I have absolutely no idea how this could be achieved in practice, but it would be the only way to prevent a complete catastrophe (that may result in millions of deaths). Perhaps there is no stopping this anymore. Perhaps the catastrophe (and the massacring of millions) is the only way that the world will finally wake up, and the healing process, the "de-leftification", can start. I wish it doesn't go that far, but I'm not very hopeful.
