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Why "Black History Month" is a racist concept

You might think that I'm going to argue that "Black History Month" is racist because it separates people by race and elevates one particular race into prominence over all others, and attributes the contribution of some people, who happened to have a particular skin pigmentation, to all people who share a similar skin pigmentation, as if these contributions were thanks to all black people.

While there is something of that, it's not actually the argument I'm presenting here.

The idea of a "Black History Month" is racist because it considers all black people to be the same, all of them as part of the same group.

There's like a billion black people in this world (without exaggeration), from different parts of the world, from different countries, cultures, religions, backgrounds. Very different cultures and backgrounds, with very different cultural history that have nothing to do with each other. Many of these cultures are so different and opposite to each other that pretty much the only thing they have in common is a slight visual resemblance of the skin pigmentation of the majority of people from those cultures, and that's about it.

The very concept of celebrating and exalting "Black History" is pretty much denying the fact that black people have vastly different histories, cultures and backgrounds. They can be as different and unrelated as you can possibly get. The skin pigmentation of these different peoples don't somehow make them have some kind of shared history, shared background.

Celebrating "Black History" is in essence no different than randomly picking cities and towns from all around the world, with no rhyme, reason, or unifying theme, and deciding that these particular randomly-selected cities and towns have some kind of "common history" among them that's worth celebrating, completely disregarding the fact that they don't (as most of them will be from completely different parts of the world and different cultures and cultural backgrounds).

"Black History Month" is, essentially, saying that "this group of over a billion people are all the same because of their skin pigmentation", which is a racist concept. Something that bona fide white supremacists believe. Redneck racists, neonazis and white supremacists believe that all black people are the same.

Celebrate the achievements of individual people or teams who have achieved great things for the betterment of humanity. Do not celebrate an entire race of people, attributing to them everything that some individuals within that racial group have achieved. That's just racist grouping. I do not care which particular race it is, be it black, white, Asian, Jewish, or whatever. Do not bunch them all together like this and elevate them all as a race, just because of their skin color. That's just racism in action.
