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Is Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War an SJW game?

I recently got the game Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War, and was a bit surprised by something that happens near the start of the game.

You are presented, essentially, with a character creation screen. Or more precisely a character profile screen. It is presented as a governmental personnel file about your character, with several fields such as name, gender, background and so on, which you fill out. Interestingly, you can leave almost everything blank, in which case it will be marked as "classified", which is a nice touch.

Almost everything. There's one field that's mandatory. You have to select a value for it or you won't be able to proceed. You would never guess in a million years what that field is. I don't think you would even guess it based on the title of this blog post.

It's skin color.

From the about dozen of fields in this fictional personnel file, you can leave everything blank (ie. "classified"), except skin color. It offers something like six different tones between very pale to very dark skin color.

I find that highly curious. I'm at the very beginning of the game, so I don't know how it will affect the game, if it affects it at all, but I'm honestly curious to see. I will update this post once I have found out either way.

But hey... So what? Why does this make it possibly an "SJW game"? Especially since I don't know what this selection will be used for (or whether it will have any effect on anything at all)? Maybe they have a completely legitimate storywise reason for requiring a skin color? Or maybe they just want people to have a choice when the game shows eg. the hands of the playable character, and decided to just make it mandatory so that the game doesn't make any assumptions?

That in itself wouldn't be all that suspicious. What makes the whole thing suspicious is another thing I mentioned above: The selection of gender.

You may already guess where I'm going on with this. That's right, there are three options (besides leaving it blank): "Male", "female" and "non-binary".

Now mind you, this game is set in the year 1981. Not in 2019. Not only was that term not invented back then, but governmental personnel files would not have such a term anywhere as an option. I doubt they have that as an option even today, much less in 1981.

This is supposed to be a period piece set in that year. The file is supposed to be from that year or earlier. Everything is supposed to be as authentic as possible (up to period-accurate clothing, weapons, vehicles and so on. Even the President of the United States is period-accurate.)

I have written earlier what will happen if and when the SJWs win the culture war on video games. We are slowly but surely starting to see this already. It's starting small, but will get more and more blatant with every passing month and year.
