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What if the SJWs win the culture war on video games?

Naughty Dog, the developer company of the Uncharted and The Last of Us game series, has been the subject of a big controversy recently. A disgruntled employee (something related to crunching, abuse, underpayments and threats of firing) leaked the entire plot of the soon upcoming Last of Us Part 2, and the gaming community at large was less than happy about the contents of the story.

It turns out that Naughty Dog has become yet another one of these big game companies that have swallowed the blue pill very hard, and become social justice ideologues and activists, and this is heavily reflected in the story and contents of the game. And this is not just rumors, theories or conjecture, as the motivations were made clear by the company management in subsequent interviews with the gaming press: The design and scriptwriting decisions made in the game were very strongly and directly influenced by modern social justice ideas, very much including those of Anita Sarkeesian, and those of the recent "trans rights" movement. This confirmation directly from the higher-ups of the company.

The company CEO has made his own motivations extremely clear on Twitter, by posting things that directly tell the message of "if you don't like these things, we don't even want you to buy the game".

What's worse, Naughty Dog has gone even farther with this, and started to issue copyright strikes against people on YouTube discussing this situation, in many cases even against videos that contain literally zero visual or audio material owned by the company. In other words, they are directly breaking the law by issuing illegal spurious copyright claims on material that they don't own.

Naughty Dog is but simply the latest video game developer company that has swallowed the blue pill and become infested with social justice activists and tried to shove their political agenda into their games as a direct form of social engineering and agenda-pushing, and who have then directly attacked any of their potential customers that have criticized them for it.

On an unrelated note, for the millionth or so time, yet another extreme leftist social justice activist group is trying to create an "anti-fascist" campaign in the world-wide video game community, this time in Germany. They go by the hashtag of "#NoPixelsForFascists". Their ideology, ideas and goals are quite easy to guess.

Why do I care about yet another one of these? Because this particular activist group and movement is being publicly backed up by Electronic Arts.

The list of such examples, just during this year alone, could go on and on.

As with everything else in western society, the social justice ideology has been infiltrating and infecting game developer company after game developer company (no doubt primarily via the countless thousands and thousands of brainwashed drones that western universities, especially in the United States, have been pumping out during the last 20 or so years.)

This is becoming more and more widespread by the year. Company after company is being infiltrated and adopting this ideology.

If this does not stop, and the social justice ideology succeeds in invading every single western game company in existence, what does that mean to gamers like you (who I'm certain are probably a gamer) and me? How will it affect us, the regular nobodies who just want to play video games?

These are some of the things that will most probably happen:

1) Video game companies will become more and more totalitarian and fascistic in their attitudes towards their customers, especially on multiplayer games, but to an increasing manner also in single-player games. Especially in multiplayer games you will be forced to agree to a binding usage license that's extremely insulting and derisive, if you are a white male. If you are a white male, it will insult you, it will call you a horrible person, and it will make it amply clear that you have less rights than anybody else, and that you are free to be abused for your race and sex, and you will have no recourse against it. Many games will probably even open with a text screen that says that if you are some form of "bigot" for you to exit the game immediately, as you are not welcome. Among other things.

2) Video games will become more and more of platforms for sociopolitical social justice propaganda. The social justice message will be shoved and inserted everywhere, in the most obnoxious ways, and in a way that insults, derides and attacks white people in general, and white males in particular. Even in the mildest and least-insulting instances it will still be there, glaringly obvious, giving you a sermon about a social justice topic. Expect lots and lots of SJW-approved words, terminology and expressions to be thrown around, made-up pronouns, social justice activism, and so on.

3) Games will no longer contain anything that may "trigger" SJWs. In other words, they will be completely devoid of anything that may even remotely cause the player to feel any sort of anxiety, stress, fear, loss, emotional attachment, etc. In other words, games will be greatly infantilized, shallow, and devoid of any sort of storytelling depth.

4) If you are a heterosexual man, anything that you find enjoyable and attractive particularly because of that, will be removed, changed and bastardized in the most obnoxious and deliberate ways. Beautiful sexy women behaving in feminine and sexual ways will be banned from video games (no matter how accurate to real-life women they may be, even if there is not a shred of exaggeration or unrealism). Anything that the social justice ideology deems to cater to a male audience will be removed, censored, changed or bastardized, purposefully and with the direct intent to make it as annoying to male gamers as possible.

5) Games made in other countries that do not adhere to these principles (such as Japan) will be banned, censored or changed. If the ideologues have their way, they will be banned by law so that the foreign game companies cannot legally sell the games in your country. They may even impose penalties for anybody who acquires a copy bypassing the ban.

6) You will be banned from game servers, forums, social media groups and any other form of communication if you show any sign of dissent or criticism. The ban will be permanent and you will have no recourse. Except, perhaps, if they come with a way for you to humiliate yourself by answering an extensive questionnaire about social justice ideology, and what you did wrong, and how you are a horrible person that's subhuman scum.

Perhaps the only way that this will not happen is if the free market does its job and the gaming community votes with their wallets and makes that kind of social justice activism by video game companies not profitable and them to go bankrupt.
