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Cornell University can't help but be a white supremacist institution

I have written many times in the past that the great irony of the modern social justice ideology, what it has transmogrified into in the past decade or so, is that it just can't help but unwittingly be a white supremacist ideology, without its advocates even noticing, realizing or understanding it.

For example, one Thomas Smith, a social justice activist, in a debate with Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin, argued that if everybody is given the same opportunities and freedoms, white people will naturally raise to all the top positions, and that the only way to stop that from happening is to put hurdles in the way of white people and restrict their freedoms. He just couldn't comprehend why Carl called him a white supremacist with a guilty conscience.

The United States congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in a speech to the Congress, blamed white people for climate change. Implying that without white people there would be no climate change. She clearly didn't understand what that implies: That white people developed all modern technology and industry, all the technological advances (that as a side-effect are causing all the emissions and pollution that cause climate change). That without white people humanity would still live in pre-industrial times.

And perhaps the pinnacle of all far-leftist white supremacy is the display in the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which I analyzed in more detail here, which attributes to white people pretty much everything that's considered a sign of advanced modern society and civilized people.

Not to be left behind, Cornell University recently joined the ranks of unwitting white supremacy with a policy that's completely insane, besides being incredibly racist.

You see, Cornell University recently decreed that all students must take the influenza vaccine.

Of course this in itself raises a lot of ethical dilemmas. Can an institution demand all of its students to take a vaccine? Especially one that's not against a disease that's extraordinarily dangerous and devastating? I doubt that this decision will prevail and courts will shoot it down.

However, that's not the main issue. You see, they are demanding all students to take the vaccine... except black students. In other words, white students have to take the vaccine, black students do not have to.

Their reasoning for this is just insane. However, once again they just don't understand what they are implying: They are implying that the health and life of white students is so important that they must vaccinate themselves against a serious disease in order to protect them. The health and lives of black students, however, is not that important, and therefore it doesn't matter if they take the vaccine or not. Only the health of white students must be protected, black students don't matter.

So, Cornell University joins the ranks of unwitting far-leftist white supremacists, protecting and defending the achievements and wellbeing of white people over non-white people.

Their lack of self-awareness is once again astonishing.
