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Deeper analysis of the "white culture" display of the NMAAHC

Recently the National Museum of African American History and Culture released a display that reeks so much of white supremacy that it's absolutely incredible, attributing to "white culture" most things in society that pretty much anybody would agree are some of the best and most fundamental sociopolitical and scientific achievements of humanity. This is text that even most neo-nazi white supremacists would agree with, attributing these things exclusively to white people. It's almost incomprehensible how "woke" leftist academics would do this and say these things.

But this is just the result of a decades-long brewing of a regressive leftist "social justice" "intersectional feminist" ideology in (mostly American) universities, by far-leftist neo-Marxist professors with nothing better to do than to come up with such astonishingly insane theories. This is not something that some deranged individual came up with and which, for some incomprehensible reason got a display in this museum (perhaps as a form of abstract art). No, this is a summary of a very widespread sociopolitical theory concocted by feminist academics in universities, and gaining more and more popularity by the month.

I would like to analyze in more detail what this display is actually telling non-white people, what the message to them is. What this is telling non-white people to think and how it's indirectly instructing them to change their sociopolitical views.

Note that it's quite clear that this display is attributing all the things in the list to "white culture" and "whiteness" exclusively. It's not like this is a list of, like, "core principles and features of white culture, some of which may be unique, some it may share with other cultures". I don't think there's any way of interpreting the message of this display other than it attributing all these things exclusively to "white culture". The introduction to the list makes it pretty clear:

"White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered practices in the United States. And since white people still hold most of the institutional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture – including people of color."

Notice how it says "we (including people of color) have all internalized some aspects of white culture", implying that these things are not part of the culture of any non-white people, that if any non-white people adhere to any of these things, it's only because they have "internalized" them, not because it's part of their own native culture. Nowhere is it said or even implied that "some of these things are exclusive to white culture, some are shared with other cultures". There's no other way of interpreting this than "these things are exclusive to white culture, and non-white people have only internalized them, ie. they are not part of their own culture".

Let's analyze the list from the perspective of what it's telling non-white people, ie. what it means when it's implying that "these things are not part of your own culture, they are just inventions of those evil whiteys which you have merely internalized because they are in power":

  • Rugged Individualism: The individual is the primary unit. Self-reliance. Independence & autonomy highly valued + rewarded. Individuals assumed to be in control of their environment, "You get what you deserve".
    • Message: "You should not think of yourself as a self-reliant independent autonomous individual. You are just part of your group and dependent on them. You shouldn't think nor act on your own, but always conform to your group. You should always be reliant on your group and never be independent. You are not in control of nor responsible for your own actions."
  • Family Structure: The nuclear family: father, mother 2.3 children is the ideal social unit. Husband is the breadwinner and head of household. Wife is homemaker and subordinate to the husband. Children should have own rooms, be independent.
    • Message: "The traditional concept of family is not part of your culture, but an invention of white people. Don't think of a father as being responsible for the income and well-being of the family. Fathers are not important. Your children should not be raised to be independent individuals."
  • Emphasis on Scientific Method: Objective, rational linear thinking. Cause and effect relationships. Quantitative emphasis.
    • Message: "Feelings are more important than cold, rational, linear thinking. Truth is relative. Everything is subjective. Rational objective scientific thinking is not part of your culture."
  • Protestant Work Ethic: Hard work is the key to success. Work before play. "If you didn't meet your goals, you didn't work hard enough".
    • Message: "Your success in life is not dependent on your own actions and your own work. Your failures are always the fault of others (ie. white people). You are not an independent individual who is responsible for his own actions. You are not to blame for your own faults and failures. It's always the fault of others. You should always demand and depend on others to succeed in life. You cannot succeed on your own, with your own hard work, so don't even bother to try."
  • Religion: Christianity is the norm. Anything other than Judeo-Christian tradition is foreign. No tolerance for deviation from single god concept.
    • Message: "Do not become a Christian. You are not a Christian. Only white people are Christian, which makes it bad."
  • Status, Power & Authority: Wealth = worth. Your job is who you are. Respect authority. Heavy value on ownership of goods, space, property.
    • Message: "Do not value people's property, goods and wealth. Do not respect authority. Do not rely on your job nor make it part of your life and who you are."
  • Future Orientation: Plan for future. Delayed gratification. Progress is always best. "Tomorrow will be better".
    • Message: "Do not bother planning for the future. Do not think ahead. Seek instant immediate gratification. Do not bother trying to make your life and the life of others better, do not bother making society better by improving society and making a better future. Be reliant on others to do your planning for you."
  • Time: Follow rigid time schedules. Time viewed as a commodity.
    • Message: "Don't bother being in time, or getting things done in time. Don't bother achieving things in a timely manner, if at all. Don't bother keeping up with schedules, or following other people's schedules or plans. Don't be responsible for getting things done when they need to be done."
  • Holidays: Based on Christian religions. Based on white history & male leaders.
    • Message: "Once again: Don't be a Christian."
  • Justice: Based on English common law. Protect property & entitlements. Intent counts.
    • Message: "The western judiciary system is bad. You don't have to respect people's property and entitlements."
  • Competition: Be #1. Win at all costs. Winner/loser dichotomy. Action Orientation. Master and control nature. Must always "do something" about a situation. Aggressiveness and Extroversion. Decision-Making. Majority rules (when Whites have power).
    • Message: "Don't even bother trying to succeed. Don't try to be better than others in your group. Never take things into your own hands and try to do something about it. Don't make decisions on your own."
  • Communication: "The King's English" rules. Written tradition. Avoid conflict, intimacy. Don't show emotion. Don't discuss personal life. Be polite.
    • Message: "Be an asshole. Don't respect others. Don't avoid conflict. Be intrusive, don't respect other people's personal space, especially when it comes to their private life. Don't bother trying to communicate clearly."

It's interesting how almost the entire list can be summarized as: "Don't be a self-reliant independent autonomous individual who thinks for himself, respects others and their property, thinks rationally, and works hard for his success. That's just whiteness."
